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Horst Mahler's (i.postimg.cc) long awaited release from prison was not covered by the mainstream media. He's one of those charismatic "heroes of the Right" the establishment tries to "cancel." The 84 yo lawyer was released from a prison in the eastern state of Brandenburg on Monday afternoon, Oct. 26, a spokesman for the Brandenburg Justice Ministry said.

He was released under strict security conditions, which may have included "no welcoming party" because it seems there is practically a news blackout on the whole affair. Mahler was jailed in 2009 after being given a 10-year-plus sentence for “incitement to racial hatred” and for Holocaust denial — which is a crime in Germany. Mahler was temporarily released in 2015 for medical reasons.

He suffers from diabetes and reportedly has had two foot leg amputations while in prison because of lack of exercise and inadequate diet, and is now confined to a wheelchair. After being released in 2015, he made 'non-permitted' statements and traveled to Hungary where he requested political asylum. The Hungarian authorities under Orban refused his request and extradited him back to Germany where he was transferred back to prison in 2017.

New Charges - Mahler's freedom may be once again cut short because German authorites are already coming up with new charges against him. Prosecutors in the city of Cottbus on the German / Polish border say they are putting out a new arrest warrant against him for remarks published online. A spokesman for the Potsdam Reginal Court announced a total of six charges for texts, writings and publications, all of which are intended to constitute an offense of sedition.

Mahler has denounced the new charges saying his remarks were “purely opinions” that he has never denied, he said "these are contributions to the interpretation of contemporary events on an ideological basis." The above information was gleaned from Deutsche Welle.com (dw.com) and The Teller Report.com (tellerreport.com). Ursula Haverbeck (youtube.com) is now scheduled to be released on November 5, so we look forward to that also. Carolyn Yeager (carolynyeager.net).

Update: Germany December 5, 2020 - Political Dissident Ursula Haverbeck Sent Back to Prison, May Become Oldest Female Inmate in the World. UNZ.com (unz.com).

>[Horst Mahler's](https://i.postimg.cc/ZYNn9FX8/horst-mahler.jpg) long awaited release from prison was not covered by the mainstream media. He's one of those charismatic "heroes of the Right" the establishment tries to "cancel." The 84 yo lawyer was released from a prison in the eastern state of Brandenburg on Monday afternoon, Oct. 26, a spokesman for the Brandenburg Justice Ministry said. >He was released under strict security conditions, which may have included "no welcoming party" because it seems there is practically a news blackout on the whole affair. Mahler was jailed in 2009 after being given a 10-year-plus sentence for “incitement to racial hatred” and for Holocaust denial — which is a crime in Germany. Mahler was temporarily released in 2015 for medical reasons. >He suffers from diabetes and reportedly has had two foot leg amputations while in prison because of lack of exercise and inadequate diet, and is now confined to a wheelchair. After being released in 2015, he made 'non-permitted' statements and traveled to Hungary where he requested political asylum. The Hungarian authorities under Orban refused his request and extradited him back to Germany where he was transferred back to prison in 2017. >**New Charges** - Mahler's freedom may be once again cut short because German authorites are already coming up with new charges against him. Prosecutors in the city of Cottbus on the German / Polish border say they are putting out a new arrest warrant against him for remarks published online. A spokesman for the Potsdam Reginal Court announced a total of six charges for texts, writings and publications, all of which are intended to constitute an offense of sedition. >Mahler has denounced the new charges saying his remarks were “purely opinions” that he has never denied, he said "these are contributions to the interpretation of contemporary events on an ideological basis." The above information was gleaned from [Deutsche Welle.com](https://www.dw.com/en/top-stories/s-9097) and [The Teller Report.com](https://www.tellerreport.com/). [Ursula Haverbeck](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N12Ycw8V9fo) is now scheduled to be released on November 5, so we look forward to that also. [Carolyn Yeager](https://carolynyeager.net/lawyer-horst-mahler-released-prison-germany-after-serving-10-years). **Update:** Germany December 5, 2020 - Political Dissident Ursula Haverbeck Sent Back to Prison, May Become Oldest Female Inmate in the World. [UNZ.com](https://www.unz.com/estriker/germany-political-dissident-ursula-haverbeck-sent-back-to-prison-may-become-oldest-female-inmate-in-the-world/).

(post is archived)

[–] 2 pts

most of them are perfectly ok with it

Have you spoken to even one German?

[–] 5 pts

If "ok" means not having the balls to speak out fear.

Then he has a point.

How I know? I am one of those.

[–] 1 pt

Ok with it means you agree with it. I know how bad it is for Germans and that you can't say anything. That's why I am mad at faggots like that guy who say you are ok with it. That's why I called him a jew. Because he acts like one.

Are you in germany, or near it? If so, we all know you guys cant mention anything about ww2 or hitler publically that doesnt tow the line of the "official narrative". Privately though, what do most germans think about the topic or really any of the globalist bullshit going on? Is it as bad as we are made to believe and that country is hopeless, or is it like here in the states where you have a silent majority with zero representstives?

[–] 3 pts

Its hard to see waht people do think of NatSac because nobody wants to show their power levle.

But they seem to be ok with the ideals if you call them diferent.

Many don't like the Covid shit, mostly because of the flip floping of the polit-elite, that you can't prepare yourselfe for anything, they may change their mind in a split second and you have to adept.

They don't like that the country is flooded, on this topic they seem to be more talktive and acknowledge that muds are rapists who for the most part are not compatible with western socity. (depending on who you are talking to blue collar, student, or lefty in the far end/ green voters) you may get different levles of how "radical" outspoken they are.

Not sure what to say about globo homo, germans who have their job don't seem to pay too much attention to it, those who lose their jobs and see their company moving abroad to the neigboring countries may be a littel wiser, those who can make the connection between high taxes, red tape and their company moving are already seen as consipracy tinfoil Nazis.

Its hard to get get a real statment, germans dont trust eachother, some cities made it possible to snitch on coivd-grandma killers and oh boy was there a lot snitching going on.

Is the country lost? Not really.

May it take to long till germans stand up, realize they are not alone with their thinking and not that crazy after all, let alone discover their pride and break the conditioning ? Very likely.

best exampels of how and why are former Youtubers who went patriotic "Der Volkslehrer" and "Martin Sellner" (both are on bitchut) (FB will shut your account down if you post a pic of Martin Sellnrm they litteraly trained and AI to recognize his pics, he is literally lord Voldermord, despit only being in the intelectual forefront and not doing too much physical work)

They got 25+ bank accounts closed in the last 4 years, phony warrants for raids for them and many they associate with, who were nothing more than litrally stealing their hardware and showing muscle (hardware is often used by the cops as work computers till the court poceedings to get your shit are going on, because the shit they take from you is usually way better than what they get on a budget, maybe not as common as I make it sound, but its deffinitly a thing.)

So yeah its very hard to say for me if shit will boil over or just keep showing bubbels.

Maybe the 1.5 billion they offically now will use in the next 4 years to fight explicitly right wingers and now offically finance the Antifa (meaning they now get a fixed budget like a green fat dyke demanded a few months back instead "fearing each year how much they get", of course the phony fronts "art projects" and "meet n greet points" will still exist for the sake of deniability) will do something.

Something one way or another.

[–] 1 pt

Privately though

When does anyone get a chance to speak privately these days? Everyone has some kind of device spying on them in almost every room, and that's assuming the guy you're talking to doesn't just have his phone in his pocket.

[–] 0 pt

"Most of them" is different from "all of them".

[–] 2 pts

You haven't spoken to a single one. Yet you are making claims as if you have. That's how jews act.

[–] 0 pt
  1. I didn't claim I had done anything
  2. I have been in Berlin and talked with fhe locals
  3. Even if I hadn't the German elections are all the proof you'd need
  4. You're clearly one of the "I didn't like that specific thing you said so you MUST be a jew" (a very leftard kind of arguing) trolls, so fuck off, you massive faggot.
[–] 1 pt

Don't pay too much attention to smokratez he is a troll, but one that can make a decent point.

[–] 1 pt

most of them have nothing to say