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[–] 10 pts 4y

Ben Shaprio (I think it was him) said recently that anyone who is against dual citizenship for members of Congress is really just an anti-semite. That no one complains about Italian Americans or Irish Americans holding office. The best response I saw to that was something like, "Congress doesn't sent billions of dollars each year to Ireland ot Italy."

[–] 8 pts 4y

Dual citizenship isn't the real problem when you realize all jews have "right of return" which explicitly allows them to show up in israel and gain citizenship. Every jew is implicitly a dual citizen and should be barred from any public office.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 4y

This is a FACT. They don't need an IsRaEli passport, being a jew is enough.

[–] 0 pt 4y

Yet they flaunt their dual citizenship anyway!

[–] 3 pts 4y

The real dual citizenship fun starts when you get the draft for the next world war


I mean even if your 2 countries are on the same team you can't serve in 2 different armies at the same time, you'll need to go AWOL technically, in one or the other

Of course it's even worse when your 2 countries are at war with each others

[–] 3 pts 4y (edited 4y)

You better hope they aren't drafted. You don't need people shooting you in the back. Better solution is to not have a draft. No more wars on foreign soil. If it's a war on home turf I'm sure you won't have trouble finding people.

[–] 1 pt 4y

Most ran to Canada during Vietnam.

Even Nixon on a recording in the Oval Office that has been released and labeled as “anti-Semitic” wondered why the kia lists hardly ever had a jew on them.

[–] 1 pt 4y (edited 4y)

Oh, I'm not saying a draft for the next world war would be a great idea

All I'm saying is that once you're against the wall you're against the wall

You can't just "win" a war remotely, even with nukes. At some point you have to go there and occupy. And nukes fly both ways. Look at the korean war; the US army had nothing to bomb anymore, they bombed everything there was to bomb. And what do you get if they still don't surrender like japan did? Well you get the next day and a pissy north korea vowing to retaliate and keep the war going forever. Just like germany, even after being bombed to shit they kept fighting until the allies took berlin.

So in such context, people aren't going to be able to resume their normal life, let alone be allowed to do so, as if nothing happened. Normal is gone, martial law is declared, the constitution and courts are suspended, etc... Survivors fit to fight are drafted and shit starters are shot on the spot

[–] [deleted] 2 pts 4y

That no one complains about Italian Americans

Nobody complains about us because we don't demand 500 zillion dollars' worth of US funds be showered onto Italy year after year; also, we aren't sending your sons (and, more recently, daughters) to their deaths in wars for Italy. Your retirement hasn't been gutted out by Italians, and your job wasn't sold off to India or China by Italians.

Bonus points: We're also not out to smash the family and troon your five-year-olds, either.

[–] 2 pts 4y

Remember those "Italian mobs"?


[–] 1 pt 4y

It was something that was put into legality by the kikes themselves. For explicitly 5th column reasons.

[–] 0 pt 4y

I've decided that such terms hold no power over me any more. Of course, the truth is if I was accused of being them in public life it would be devastating for my ability to work... but I can't control the sheep's reactions to the wolves. We as a people need to stop caring about Jewish-invented terms that are designed to keep us from questioning the power structure like "racist", "anti-semite", or "homophobic", etc. We can only fight back and gain any ground by a refusal to let these words hold power over us.

[–] 0 pt 4y

Yeah, there is some damage that others can do to my career, but I accept the world we live in and will deal with it when/if it happens.

[–] 3 pts 4y

Lets see what could I do with 7k a minute.... A fucking lot more than a bloated organization of roughly 500 people deciding what to do with it while collecting a salary for deciding what not to do with it.

[–] 6 pts 4y

1 minute has passed okay I could take that and pay a few peoples mortgages that are not getting payed because the government forced their small business to shut down.

[–] 4 pts 4y

Another minute okay well there goes a few people's education expenses for home schooling since schools are closed after all. I can do this all day.

[–] 3 pts 4y

Another minute well lets see food for a starving family for almost a year I'd guess. Better than paying people hundreds of thousands a year to sit on their ass and do nothing.

[–] 2 pts 4y

Very interesting. As we have millions of liberal (jews) cry about free open borders, they want to raid our coffers and implement a no immigration policy. Israel shouldnt exist. Its only existed as it is since world war I, and it gets bigger and more dangerous every year. We owe these fucking kikes NOTHING. AMERICA IS A WHITE COUNTRY!!! WHY ARE WE GIVING ALL OUR MONEY TO PEOPLE ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE WORLD WHO HAVE NO RESPECT FOR WHITE CULTURE. FUCK THE JEWS!!!

[–] 0 pt 4y

Besides ovens, where would you send them. I think Israel is a terrible idea and causes huge problems in the ME but at least they’re contained.

We could give them some African country and let them deal with the locals but that’s about it. You get rid of Israel and they spread to every country like parasites and we already haven enough.

[–] 1 pt 4y


[–] 0 pt 4y


Too close to the mainland. The left has been talking about barge cities on the ocean that avoid the constitution and laws. We should build them a a barge city in the north and south and they get to pick their climate.

We could send americanus dinduicus with them.

[–] 1 pt 4y

I would love if we could just drop all of the Jews into some random shithole in Africa and see how they survive without a single Western shekel.

[–] 1 pt 4y

Somehow it would backfire because our establishment goons are sellouts. But it would be fun to have live streams of them in Africa.

Africans have already attacked the Chinese and their businesses for taking “advantage” of them. I wonder how long the jew would last without the US military as it’s personal security force.

[–] 0 pt 4y

This is why dual-citizenship is criminal. Infiltrate a country and bilk all of its resources, by corrupting the laws, and begin transferring the wealth unbeknownst to most people.

[–] 0 pt 4y

Shekels just in time for Hanukkah.

[–] 0 pt 4y

I’m surprised it’s not “6 billion”

[–] 0 pt 4y

Imagine giving even the slightest shit about the corporate press in 2020

[–] 0 pt 4y

Doesn’t make any sense to me. Where is the accountability for how that money is spent?

[–] 0 pt 4y

Hey at least it includes 10 million for "gender programs" in Pakistan.

[–] 0 pt 4y

Yes, but that's warfare not welfare

[–] 0 pt 4y

Epstein didn't kill himself. Holodomor was real. Jedwabne didn't happen. Hall of cost is a parable(voat). Countries that are natural gas super powers(legalinsurrection.com), with universal healthcare(startpage.com), highly subsidized education(startpage.com), nuclear militaries(startpage.com), oil wells(startpage.com), space programs(startpage.com), propaganda/lobbying offices(startpage.com), holocaust monuments & museums(en.m.wikipedia.org) in every major city all over the world don't need handouts from American taxpayers.

We demand our $38 $48 billion back.

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