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Attack the man, smear his name, discredit him at all costs.

So, business as usual.

Attack the man, smear his name, discredit him at all costs. So, business as usual.

(post is archived)

[–] 2 pts

They should test it on the horse-pig-men they have in the deep underground military bases.

[–] 1 pt

They had a vote, but they all said "Nay"

[–] 0 pt

Dude, I wanna see pics of that shit!!

[–] 1 pt

Anything Global News is no different then anything MSNBC.

[–] 0 pt

It's not cool if this is true tho.

[–] 1 pt

Yea, it sucks. The reality is though that 10's of thousands of animals have died testing different drugs and procedures to bring them to market.

[–] 1 pt

And I'm not totally against animal testing but it should only be done with prudence. If you're burning through a thousand animals working on a project then something isn't right.

[–] 0 pt

Attack the man, smear his name, discredit him at all costs.

As opposed to? He's a kike, he's all for (((open borders))) into White countries from specifically nonhuman shitskins. He's a huge proponent of (((censorship))), he's a huge proponent for (((Universal Basic Income))). You write that as though he's good and this article is bad.

[–] 0 pt

The article IS bad and my comment stands, even though everything you said is true. It is still the tactics being employed against him.

A better article would be one that outlines your points and makes a salient argument about why he is a fuck head instead of trying to play on people emotions and obfuscate the situation.

The fact is that he is splashing around in their puddle and they don't like it so they are attacking the man, smearing his name and trying to discredit him at all costs.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

It is still the tactics being employed against him.

Excuse me? Stating facts about his jewish enterprise funded completely by my tax dollars is somehow bad?

The fact is that he is splashing around in their puddle and they don't like it so they are attacking the man, smearing his name and trying to discredit him at all costs.

He is? By supporting all things jewish and diverting attention away from this because "muh they're just attacking him and trying to discredit him!!" his actions and words discredit him well enough on their own.

e; I don't see a single "smear" for the sake of simply attacking him in that article. The article presents the jew's nature of animal hatred and the jew's wanton acts of animal torture. These traits aren't new and have been known to be of jews forever.

Neuralink Corp. is developing a brain implant it hopes will help paralyzed people walk again, blind people see and disabled people control technology without the need for movement.

So a brain implant will help someone who's spine has been severed? That isn't how it works. Likewise a brain implant will help the eye which has gone through some series of irreparable degenerations? That isn't how it works. You won't repair the physical structure of the eye and it's components with a nifty chip on the brain. What is happening is promises that are never going to be met to pull money from (((taxes))) because none of (((musk's))) businesses are profitable on their own.


In all, the company has killed about 1,500 animals, including more than 280 sheep, pigs and monkeys, following experiments since 2018, according to records reviewed by Reuters and sources with direct knowledge of the company’s animal-testing operations. The sources characterized that figure as a rough estimate because the company does not keep precise records on the number of animals tested and killed. Neuralink has also conducted research using rats and mice.

Come the fuck on. This isn't a hit piece to attack him. This is information about his jewish practices.

[–] 0 pt

You make good points, for sure. But a couple not so much.

>funded completely by my tax dollars

I'm pretty sure he has invested considerable amounts of his own money as well..

>So a brain implant will help someone who's spine has been severed? That isn't how it works.

Severed? No, probably not. But not every person with paralysis has a severed spine. Sometimes it's just a shitty connection.

>help the eye which has gone through some series of irreparable degenerations

If they do figure out how to repair it then it will no longer be irraparable.

Anyhow, yes, I see your points. But you have to admit that he does do good things and has radically changed the world and it's not all for the worse.

Not all for the better either, that's for sure.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt (edited )

I'm not defending musk or neuralink in the slightest but I did watch their presentation because I was bored and sick. I don't care what musk and his employees say about the tech but it's still a generation, at least, off from being fully main stream.

They say severed spines will require at least, maybe more depending on severity, two implants. One brain and one or more into the spinal cord where the implants will communicate wirelessly.

Their short term explanation of how to handle vision is to use an external camera. Maybe a headband or something similar to those 'spy' sunglasses with a camera built in. The camera will then communicate to a middle device (cell phone or other aux device) then that communicates to the implant.

That's what was presented so I'm passing it on. I have no other answers on.

The live pig experiment that they showed on them controlling muscle movements was a bit off putting and their quick discussion of their server/data center infrastructure to support. Pretty messed up.

[–] 0 pt

What about all the animals that died from BP's little deep water oil spill?

[–] 0 pt

I think that is a separate and distinct story and most likely unrelated.

[–] 0 pt

It's not unrelated; they're both about killing animals. BP has a $20 billion reparation (bp.com) fund for their sins. Dolphin lives matter as much as monkey's, right?

[–] 3 pts

mmm,, I don't think so.

Let's say Elon offed 1500 monkeys. (random number because it said 1000+) I'm sure he paid for those monkeys and the disposal of their little monkey bodies. Cost to the world? 1500 less monkeys, and leaps and bounds forwards in medical technology.

Now lets do BP: Almost 5 Million gallons of Oil contaminating the Gulf of Mexico. 11 Men killed, 17 wounded in the initial incident. 64 Billion dollars in damage to the Gulf. 10s of thousands of marine wildlife killed. Countless others wounded. A decade or more of cleanup efforts.

Yeah, I don't think I need to keep going do I?

[–] 0 pt (edited )

That shit gives me the creeps. They had some kind of presentation recently. Had to nope out.

Use at your own peril: http://youtu.be/YreDYmXTYi4

[–] 1 pt (edited )

The idea of it is so exciting. The consequences will be catastrophic I'm sure.

Here's the condensed version, 10 minutes instead of 2 hours.
