I realize this was probably aimed at the more, "Niggy no git job, niggy git gibs," type comment (which isn't inaccurate), but gibs people are genuine problem with food banks.
I live in a small town a decent ways outside but still in the orbit of a very large city. In the town are basically people who commute into the city for work (and some measure of retirees, and local service folks).
During scamdemic one of the chuches started a no questions asked food pantry aimed at helping those who lost their income from the scam.
The same assholes who demanded the city be shut down so people couldn't work got wind of it, and started shuttling illegal immigrants to our pantry by the vanful and cleaning it out leaving nothing for our friends and neighbors we were trying to help.
At the end of shamdemic the church changed the rules saying they'd like to help everyone but we're a small town church with limited resources, the crisis is over, so you've got to actually at least sort of attend the church to get the help.
So naturally a bunch of illegals, shuttled in, rioted and trashed the entire place forcing its permanent closure for the safety of volunteers working there.
So a bunch of folks who all mostly left the city to avoid the illegal problems, tried to help eachother out when the city people draconianally left them in trouble, had the city fuckers come and steal the help they set up for themselves, and when they tried to say "we're prioritizing help for our own not people you bring in and can't afford to help, " they were hit with violence.
We can't vote our way out of this.
(post is archived)