Oh, the many joys of living in a "sanctuary city"
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InfoWars - cuz they talk a lot about the elements of the great replacement and globohomo (rumble.com)
Twelve studies that show how diversity decreases trust and social cohesion
1995-2017 Migrants, Minorities and the failure of multiculturalism.
Race and Ethnicity of Violent Crime Ofenders and Arrestees, 2018 PDF (bjs.gov)2
United States:
Jewish Over-representation in Education (pic8.co)
Norfolk VA 2019, Blacks represent 94% of shooting suspects (unz.com)
NYC 2017, Non-Whites committed 93.1% of the murders (reddit.com)
LA 2017, 96% of murder suspects Non-White (reddit.com)
New Orleans, 60% Black, 99% Homicides & Shootings (reddit.com)
Nashville 2016, 28% black, 71% of Cleared Homicide (web.archive.org)
St. Louis 2017, 100% of Murder Suspects Black (reddit.com)
Milwaukee 2016: 37% White, Blacks Responsible for 90% of Homicides/93% of Shootings (reddit.com)
Raleigh 2015-2017, 29% Black, 94% of Gun Violence (stuffblackpeopledontlike.blogspot.com)
Louisville, Kentucky 2017 (71% White), Blacks are 82% of Homicide (unz.com)
10 year study on gun violence proves it (unz.com)
US Immigrants On Welfare Cost 30-86% More Than Locals (cis.org)
US Child Molestation/Abuse Stats (yellodyno.com)
PDF: Black on white rape 2003-2008 (bjs.gov)
Gunfire hospitalization rate for black teenagers 13x higher (takepart.com)
67% Of Hispanic Immigrants Are Functionally Illiterate (nationaleconomicseditorial.com)
US Census Data 2009-2012 - Welfare (census.gov)
Black males abandon White females they impregnate at a rate of 92% - Hispanics do not marry the women they impregnate (web.archive.org)
FBI 2016 Crime Stats have been released: All graphs show blacks commit the most crime. (ucr.fbi.gov)
Black People In Canada Dominate Crime (breitbart.com)
80% of refugees in Canada arrive with welfare attached (statcan.gc.ca)
Black Canadians (8%) represent 41% of youth in care of Toronto Children's Aid Society (oacas.org)
Hundreds of Muslim men in polygamous marriages are receiving welfare and social benefits for each of their spouses (meforum.org)
21% of new homeless families in Dublin were non-EU citizens (thejournal.ie)
Non-white people make up 70% of New Zealand prison pop. (archive.stats.govt.nz)
Netherlands: 90% of refugees are still unemployed after 2.5 years (voiceofeurope.com)
The importing of mental, physical and social disorder to the West. (web.archive.org)
Immigrants in Germany commit crime 10-40x (web.archive.org)
82 per cent of people in Sweden sent to prison for gang rape are foreign born (web.archive.org)
Racial Stats USA (pic8.co)
(post is archived)