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By: FRANK SCHNEIDER, SEBASTIAN PRENGEL, Bianca Weiner and JUSTIN BROSCH 06/16/2023 - 3:41 p.m

Castrop-Rauxel (NRW) – The feuding extended families attacked each other with battens, clubs, knives and machetes. Even when the first police officers arrived, the opponents kept hitting and kicking each other like crazy!

After the orgy of violence in Castrop-Rauxel, there are now investigations into attempted manslaughter. A homicide squad is on duty.

According to BILD information, around 30 members of a Syrian and a Lebanese extended family were involved in the mass brawl on Thursday evening. The trigger is said to be a dispute that has been smoldering among the children of the families for a long time, and there have been minor arguments again and again in the last few days.

Until the family war finally escalated on Thursday. Initially, the police did not succeed at all in separating the armed men on Wartburgstrasse. Videos of the attacks show terrible hunting scenes, even when men are already lying on the ground, the perpetrators are still mercilessly beating their defenseless victims with wooden slats. Projectiles and bottles fly through the air, the injured lie bleeding on the ground.

More and more emergency services raced to the scene of the crime, due to the particular brutality and weaponry, the special unit BFE of hundreds was alerted, a helicopter circled in the air. From the helicopter, the elite police officers were coordinated in side streets where the conflict had shifted. The police quickly got the situation under control. One of the officers was slightly injured when a wooden slat was thrown.

A man (23) was fatally injured by knife wounds in the abdomen, and according to BILD information also suffered a craniocerebral trauma. An emergency operation saved his life a little later, and his condition is now said to be stable. This was also confirmed by Interior Minister Herbert Reul (70, CDU) on Friday.

https://www.bild.de/regional/ruhrgebiet/ruhrgebiet-aktuell/clan-fehde-in-castrop-rauxel-sie-schlugen-sich-mit-knueppeln-und-macheten-84352502.bild.html By: FRANK SCHNEIDER, SEBASTIAN PRENGEL, Bianca Weiner and JUSTIN BROSCH 06/16/2023 - 3:41 p.m Castrop-Rauxel (NRW) – The feuding extended families attacked each other with battens, clubs, knives and machetes. Even when the first police officers arrived, the opponents kept hitting and kicking each other like crazy! After the orgy of violence in Castrop-Rauxel, there are now investigations into attempted manslaughter. A homicide squad is on duty. According to BILD information, around 30 members of a Syrian and a Lebanese extended family were involved in the mass brawl on Thursday evening. The trigger is said to be a dispute that has been smoldering among the children of the families for a long time, and there have been minor arguments again and again in the last few days. Until the family war finally escalated on Thursday. Initially, the police did not succeed at all in separating the armed men on Wartburgstrasse. Videos of the attacks show terrible hunting scenes, even when men are already lying on the ground, the perpetrators are still mercilessly beating their defenseless victims with wooden slats. Projectiles and bottles fly through the air, the injured lie bleeding on the ground. More and more emergency services raced to the scene of the crime, due to the particular brutality and weaponry, the special unit BFE of hundreds was alerted, a helicopter circled in the air. From the helicopter, the elite police officers were coordinated in side streets where the conflict had shifted. The police quickly got the situation under control. One of the officers was slightly injured when a wooden slat was thrown. A man (23) was fatally injured by knife wounds in the abdomen, and according to BILD information also suffered a craniocerebral trauma. An emergency operation saved his life a little later, and his condition is now said to be stable. This was also confirmed by Interior Minister Herbert Reul (70, CDU) on Friday.

(post is archived)

[–] 1 pt

Integration is what you resort to when assimilation has failed/isn't practicable already...


Aristotle is greatly concerned with the preservation of civil peace in the city-state. One of the most common causes of “faction” and civil war, he says, was the unhappy consequences of unassimilated immigration and the consequent diversity. Aristotle’s prose is perfectly clear:

>Heterogeneity of stocks may lead to faction – at any rate until they have had time to assimilate. A city cannot be constituted from any chance collection of people, or in any chance period of time. Most of the cities which have admitted settlers, either at the time of their foundation or later, have been troubled by faction. For example, the Achaeans joined with settlers from Troezen in founding Sybaris, but expelled them when their own numbers increased; and this involved their city in a curse. At Thurii the Sybarites quarreled with the other settlers who had joined them in its colonization; they demanded special privileges, on the ground that they were the owners of the territory, and were driven out of the colony. At Byzantium the later settlers were detected in a conspiracy against the original colonists, and were expelled by force; and a similar expulsion befell the exiles from Chios who were admitted to Antissa by the original colonists. At Zancle, on the other hand, the original colonists were themselves expelled by the Samians whom they admitted. At Apollonia, on the Black Sea, factional conflict was caused by the introduction of new settlers; at Syracuse the conferring of civic rights on aliens and mercenaries, at the end of the period of the tyrants, led to sedition and civil war; and at Amphipolis the original citizens, after admitting Chalcidian colonists, were nearly all expelled by the colonists they had admitted. (1303A13)

Thus, immigration of different peoples was a common source of conflict, often leading to civil war and concluding with the ethnic cleansing of either the native peoples or the invaders.