LOL, but seriously, it is so irritating to try and see a vid only to see (((inspires hate speech on bitchute))), (((log in to confirm your age on YT))), could you perhaps upload it to vid8?
I hate it
I usually download and reupload on vid8 when I see that
Problem is that... After 5 months of absence here... I forgot my vid8 password
hehehe, I know the password issue, so I found a book, it's from 1925/26, all my passwords are variations on a theme from it, for example: page 36 paragraph 1 sentence 2
So my password would be: 36theoncontrary1! change the words so that it's not concurrent add a ! for the symbol, and anyway, which edition is it, the german version of the english version.
Good old fashioned DOS game hassle
I should have done that I guess...
(post is archived)