Its true. The boomers sold out to jews, niggers, and chinks.
My life experience would say the same thing.
My observation has been that they are obedient to a fault, and also they seem to have grown up during a time when all their mainstream messaging served them well, and when to be informed meant watching an hour of evening news instead of no news at all mean you were informed.
They followed the, high school to college, to job with big company, do that whole life, get promoted, retire in house you own thing. All worked for them. They are completely detached from what the real world is like after the internet began to exist.
Boomers don't realize they are the generation of "Good times create weak men." They genuinely don't recognize that they are the beginning of that part. And they'll never admit they kicked it off.
They'll just keep telling themselves that they were pulling every boot strap they could get their hands on.
What really blows my mind is that boomers today will be broke and blame it on voters and/or this generation, but in the same breath tell you that you just need to get your shit together. Anyone can be successful.
Seriously? You went through the best economy the world has ever seen and came out broke. Now you're giving me life advice?
Yes. They are selfish too. Narcissistic in my experience.
Many such cases
What is the context? This reads like textbook Jew published propaganda.
I agree, they're probably protesting against it, not for it.
I really don't know. It's just randoms with text and no context. The text reads like textbook Jewish propaganda.
Read the thing, it explains it all.
Yes, obviously everything in print is true.
They are willing victims of the classic jewish retirement scheme. They have been raised on and sold the lie that migrants are more effective workers than their native children, that their income depends on the success of the economy, there are infinity niggers willing to work, and they are entitled to this life, because they have lived and worked long enough to see it.
They spend a majority of time in a home by themselves with a television. The television will tell them their pension is in danger from nationalists. The television tells them foreigners are more trustworthy than their families. That the state is the only thing keeping them alive. That they are guilty of false society crimes like 'institutional racism'. All of these reasons they are convinced they need to pick up the picket against their own existence.
I'm sure not all boomers are like that but yeah these are scum. They want to bring in migrants because they think the migrants will pay for their stupid social security (whatever the French equivalent is called.) and didn't have enough kids or grandkids to prop up their boundless greed.
Of course these idiots lose either way. The darkies aren't going to keep supporting a bunch of old white people for long.
Idiot boomers think niggers will come to their landto work and pay taxes for their social security programs.
Boomers want immigrants to pay for their unfunded pensions because Boomers dont care if they destroy their countries in exchange for transitory gibs.
Wait until those French pensions vanish - then you'll see a much different picture.
Those nasty boomers again, and I thought they 'rocked.'
(post is archived)