They will riot over a football game, but not to protect their rights and freedoms.
Fans all over the world celebrated after the Moroccan national team made it into the semi-finals of the World Cup. Most football festivals were non-violent.
In European metropolises, thousands were on the streets - not always peacefully. There were serious clashes with the police in Paris. And in Milan a terrible crime happened!
Around 5,000 fans celebrated in the northern Italian metropolis, most of them Moroccans. According to unanimous Italian media reports, a dispute suddenly broke out on Corso Buenos Aires in the city center. A 30-year-old tried to mediate and was then attacked with a stabbing weapon or a sharp object.
Around 20,000 fans took to the streets in Paris to celebrate after the win and sensational progress to the semi-finals. It was not peaceful here either.
Violence erupted in various places. Fireworks and pyros were lit, but fires were also set. The police had to intervene.
In Amsterdam, police reported multiple arrests after fans set off heavy firecrackers. The crowd was asked to clear an area. The mayor had issued an “ emergency order ”.
According to the Belgian news agency Belga, citing a Brussles police spokeswoman, revelers massively used pyrotechnics after the 1-0 win over Portugal. Small groups threw objects at the police officers. 60 people were arrested.
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InfoWars - cuz they talk a lot about the elements of the great replacement and globohomo (
Twelve studies that show how diversity decreases trust and social cohesion
1995-2017 Migrants, Minorities and the failure of multiculturalism.
Race and Ethnicity of Violent Crime Ofenders and Arrestees, 2018 PDF (
United States:
Jewish Over-representation in Education (
Norfolk VA 2019, Blacks represent 94% of shooting suspects (
NYC 2017, Non-Whites committed 93.1% of the murders (
LA 2017, 96% of murder suspects Non-White (
New Orleans, 60% Black, 99% Homicides & Shootings (
Nashville 2016, 28% black, 71% of Cleared Homicide (
St. Louis 2017, 100% of Murder Suspects Black (
Milwaukee 2016: 37% White, Blacks Responsible for 90% of Homicides/93% of Shootings (
Raleigh 2015-2017, 29% Black, 94% of Gun Violence (
Louisville, Kentucky 2017 (71% White), Blacks are 82% of Homicide (
10 year study on gun violence proves it (
US Immigrants On Welfare Cost 30-86% More Than Locals (
US Child Molestation/Abuse Stats (
PDF: Black on white rape 2003-2008 (
Gunfire hospitalization rate for black teenagers 13x higher (
67% Of Hispanic Immigrants Are Functionally Illiterate (
US Census Data 2009-2012 - Welfare (
Black males abandon White females they impregnate at a rate of 92% - Hispanics do not marry the women they impregnate (
FBI 2016 Crime Stats have been released: All graphs show blacks commit the most crime. (
Black People In Canada Dominate Crime (
80% of refugees in Canada arrive with welfare attached (
Black Canadians (8%) represent 41% of youth in care of Toronto Children's Aid Society (
Hundreds of Muslim men in polygamous marriages are receiving welfare and social benefits for each of their spouses (
21% of new homeless families in Dublin were non-EU citizens (
Non-white people make up 70% of New Zealand prison pop. (
Netherlands: 90% of refugees are still unemployed after 2.5 years (
The importing of mental, physical and social disorder to the West. (
Immigrants in Germany commit crime 10-40x (
82 per cent of people in Sweden sent to prison for gang rape are foreign born (
Racial Stats USA (
(post is archived)