It's a moral argument. They are presented with a fake problem with an easy and obvious solution and gets fake rewarded for saying the fake solution. For example: Too many blacks are getting shot by police, can anything be done? Well if too many are getting shot then the police need to be held accountable right? Yes, good goyim here's your fake internet points.
It's this subtle conditioning that turns people into raving lunatics. Their worldview comes from Soros protests, feel good TVs and dodgy headlines. They are bombarded with subliminal messaging daily, and not the "drink coke" in the middle of a movie spliced in or "smoke weed" when playing a song backwards but rather implying solutions and making people believe they are finding the solutions, and making them thing they are above others who clearly can't find the fake solutions they were tricked into discovering.
Another example: us wants to intervene in Ukraine, instead of asking permission they say 'kids and homosexuals are dying in Ukraine but republicans don't want us to help them' or some bullshit. Implication that republicans are bad and we need to intervene, now you have some AstroTurf protest demanding intervention from cocksuckers.
Same thing happens to us too but were far more resistant in many ways.
Lol, trust me I get all that. I know all about the conditioning that has gone on since the jews, Freud/Bernays came along and mastered turning the world upside down and inside out. I particularly mean that you can sit down with a woman, show them very clearly that the sky is blue. They will agree, yes you are right, I see that now. The sky is indeed blue. Ask ‘em the next day and they’ll tell you it’s fuk’n pink.
It's not just woman Who fall for their shit but they are more efficient targets because men fall for women's bullshit. Trick one woman and you also get one man. Trick a man and he's an isolated faggot. That's why propaganda is mainly addressed towards women
Yessir, plenty males of the species have been hoodwinked. No denying that. Especially the niggerball addicted crowd in the last 40-50 years. While watching the jew’s niggerball, they took their eyes off the real ball being played. The one that matters. Top that off with put’n women in positions of power and you have a disaster in the making. Try to tell any woman she isn’t powerful today.
So yeah, they’ve been gone after the hardest with ease. Cucked and emasculated males are soon to follow them for sure. Men are not. Kapperniggernick was a step too far for the men of the sports fag world so some awakening and resistance has happened there. The blatant criminality of govt is now getting to be too much for many. The elections. FJB. Covid. Pederasty. The Great Reset. Etc. True colors are coming out. With all that shit in the air now they don’t have near the numbers they say they have. They propagandize they do, but that shit is fading fast on them. Hence the panic and escalation for world dominance by them. That in itself is raising eyebrows even amongst the dumbest and unaware of us. Gonna be interesting to see how far each side is willing to take it.
(post is archived)