Leguizamo, who is Hispanic, was cast in the first adaptation of the beloved Mario Bros video game franchise in 1993 as Mario's brother, Luigi. That film, which is universally hated by both critics and fans according to Rotten Tomatoes, saw British actor Bob Hoskins cast as the Italian-American Mario alongside Leguizamo's Luigi. That film saw a change to canon as Luigi's origin was changed to be an adopted brother to Mario.
Holy shit I LOVED the 90s Mario Bro movie. Also John is mexican not Italian so IDK why he is pissed.
>Leguizamo, who is Hispanic, was cast in the first adaptation of the beloved Mario Bros video game franchise in 1993 as Mario's brother, Luigi. That film, which is universally hated by both critics and fans according to Rotten Tomatoes, saw British actor Bob Hoskins cast as the Italian-American Mario alongside Leguizamo's Luigi. That film saw a change to canon as Luigi's origin was changed to be an adopted brother to Mario.
Holy shit I LOVED the 90s Mario Bro movie. Also John is mexican not Italian so IDK why he is pissed.
John is mexican
Wow even WORSE
John is mexican
Wow even WORSE
(post is archived)