Just got to man up on this one and accept this one as a stupid loss / stupid failure...
stupid DIY / wasn't thinking DIY...
MVP of stupidity for today (yesterday) - 1/2/2020 - diy-guy2
I 3D printed a bunch of plastic candle making molds.
I took the other ones out of the molds
I decided to try using one of the plastic molds that I made the custom candles in originally (basically some type of modified candle with a plastic outer shell) - This was only temporary until I get my glass candle jars - ordered them a day or two ago and should be here in a day or two.
The plastic caught on fire... It was about 3-5 (5 inches at most - the flame itself).
basically what the top should of looked like...
other pictures
other post
I did prepare or have a plan in case this did happen since it was plastic and it did burn for the first 5 or 10 hours so just fine. It was a terrible idea for my own type of modded / modified candle set up.
side note:
I make Blessed Exorcism Salt (soy candles) - Christian / Catholic candles using ABS plastic molds - ABS can easily handle the 120 F / 130 F degree temps (soy candle wax I use) though.
Even handles paraffin wax just fine as long as I don't go over 180F - 190F (starts to encounter problems) - 160F / 170F - max usually.
Glass transition is around 221 F for ABS (depending though).
(post is archived)