I didnt say he was talking about destroyong christianity. My original comment was something like 'we will destroy that (that talking of chrisitianity)' The brackets are what he seems to be referring from the context of the speech, and is not a direct quote. The Germans speakers got it wrongly translated, on purpose. You can't wrongly put the word 'atheism' in Hitler's mouth, or wrongly translate 'that we will destroy' as 'We will defend Christianity' by accident. The word 'defend' didn't come up. Good that you responded, makes me believe that you are not such a bitch like I thought at first
Okay, my bad it was a misunderstanding but also make sure that you learn how to reiterate your grammatical errors before you post something so that this type of dumbfuckery doesn't have to happen again
thatthat talking about christianity we will destroy in ruble
(post is archived)