A+ buddy. I've spoken to AOU about this many times. I've gotten at least 2 dozen threads about my totally real "modabuse" for banning people from my empty subs.
No one gives a fuck. Especially the admins.
Now if I were to ban people from the subs I've been given mod status to, that weren't mine; then sure, mod abuse if the owner says so. Otherwise you should hop in the oven.
Some day they may just choose to do it.
I only ban in 11 of like 19 of my subs because I'm a lazy turbo nigger. I have a bookmarked folder with the 11 subs banned users page linked so I can just right click -> open all in new tabs. If I were to add subs, that would take more effort than I am willing to expend.
You do not need to be so defensive.
Yes I do.
What does anti clutch mean anyways?
(post is archived)