It is true. And I did it in my spare time.
Thanks for projecting your inadequacies onto me. Good to know you did fuck-all for anyone.
Nothing is better than what you've done and it is clearly your profession.
You've clearly done nothing better in your entire life.
Kevdude defended and supported pedophiles. You defended him. I accomplish things in my life and would consider something like that a nullification of previous accomplishments. You, clearly, do not.
I didn't defend anyone, look at you, lying piece of shit trying to spin away from your treason.
You deserve the rope.
Your only defense is trying to falsely associate people with pedophilia.
Maybe you need to be permanently banned from this site for making false accusations.
You've got nothing on me, you absolute shit stain.
idgaf about kevdude. I have no idea who that even really is. Then are just triggers you every time so we can invoke to see how you decide and lie to get things.
You deserve the rope motherfucker.
(post is archived)