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/u/Crenschyou are a giant censoring faggot.
The final score before deleted was +29/-3. He also banned me from the sub, for my first and only post there. Clearly, he is a free speech proponent.
The post was explicitly about Q (however it was against the group-think) but the majority of it was about the Lin Wood video happening. In spite of this at least half of the comments I received were people agreeing with me.
Here is gist of the post from memory since the original was deleted.
Title: Sick to death of the endless hopium.
This situation with Lin Wood has pushed me over the edge and I can no longer stay quiet about it.
I've followed Q from the beginning, and its been four years of big happenings just around the corner that never amount to anything. Four years of hopium and nothing to show for it. Now we have yet another breaking, bombshell, MOAB, happening that will amount to exactly nothing, AGAIN.
If Lin Wood has video evidence of a child getting murdered on camera as he claims then he would have just dropped it. Why play these fucking games? Why give the assassins time to find and kill him? If the video is real it would spread like wildfire with or without the hype.
BUT BUT Americans aren't ready fo.... SHUT UP! That argument is a load of crap and everyone knows it. As if society would come crashing down from a video of a child getting murdered, bad as that is. All that is is an excuse for the endless delays.
Q is a perfectly tailored psyop designed to convince otherwise pure-hearted and informed men to "trust the plan" and DO nothing. Just like the pedo-deepstate likes.
How long will it take before you come to the same conclusion I have? If midnight rolls around and no promised video is dropped will you agree then? Biden's inauguration maybe? When we are all siting in the prison camp for being right-wing extremist?
This is just more hopium. Its a drug designed to keep you trusting the plan and DOING nothing.
God I wish I was wrong about this.
That's more or less the gist of it from memory. I'm not sure what I expect to get from this rage post, except to call that faggot Crensch out for being a censoring, anti-free speech cock gobbler.
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