So you hate me but want to visit my subs? That's quite interesting.
How am I an exile?
I posted there until the day it died. I've been welcomed here by a few dozen exvoat users numerous times as their favorite voat user.
Then there's you. Sole you. Bitching because I called you out for spam.
I banned you from subs I own. Not only is that not mod abuse, it's not anyone's decision but mine. That is if poal is about what it claims it is. My house. My rules. I didn't ban you from the two subs I'm mod of but don't own. I banned you from subs that are two days old and have near ZERO traffic. You aren't missing much.
Yet here you are complaining. Clearly I live in your head rent free. Clearly you care way too much about me. Clearly you fully understand I was nothing remotely close to an exile on voat. I was loved by many and loathed by kikes.
Have a good day.
@DirkDiggler- There is no reason to post 17 submissions in 38 minutes. None at all. None at all.
This is at best harvesting points or is a slide/spam, and is extremely suspicious.
That is all I said. With a screenshot displaying your 17 submissions in 38 minutes. I never called you anything. I posted your spam in the sub designated for reporting spam.
Bitch more faggot.
FUCKING LOL! No, bro, 17 submissions in less than an hour is perfectly normal! kek.
Great. Then in that post he shoulda just said he was bored and posting a bunch or transferring from voat or w/e.
Woulda killed it right there.
I didn't attack him. He attacked me. That's where the issue lies. I am at fault for nothing aside from pointing out what I feel is suspicious behavior and for defending myself.
I'm new here too. I created the account a year ago and only started using it when voat died. I'm getting a feel for this place as others are.
If that's hard for you to understand then fuck off. I've no interest in arguing these points further.
No you are a fag and Voat called you out. Now you hide here.
Voat called you out
Show me the post.
You are French 2.0. Have a fun time in your echo chamber.
(post is archived)