Wow! Thanks for your research, and thanks for exposing this hostile disgrace (Westwall).
I can't believe the initially non-hostile administrator Hyperborbeer (or however he is spelt) sides with Westwall without even verifying the block.
After my unblock, I will be far less active on Metapedia.
Metapedia lost a prolific editor thanks to a misbehaving administrator. Congratulations.
I am utterly disappointed by Metapedia at this point.
I initially thought they are a sane encyclopedia where administrators actually support new users instead of being obnoxiously hostile like Westwall (Bbb23 lite) is.
And there is no way to make an unblock request!
Shame on Westwall. Behaves like a butt and wonders why he is criticized.
As long as Metapedia has administrators like Westwall who tosses aspiring prolific editors to the curb, they will never be a Wikipedia competitor.
I have shared some thoughts on it:
(post is archived)