WelcomeUser Guide

©2025 Poal.co


Rule: Be fair.

Moved to separate post due to character 8000 limitation in side bar.

While exposing hostile moderators and administrators from internet communities, please maintain fairness .
This means:

No false accusations please.

Please don't accuse moderators and administrators (and anyone else) of things they actually didn't do, even if you despise them and you are angry about them.

Legitimate suspensions

Disruptive and harmful behaviours (e.g. spam, vandalism, cyber bullying, personal threats, cyber-attack threats, posting inappropriate material (community-dependent), uploading illegal material) are legitimate and logically justified reasons to have a user's account temporarily or permanently suspended, depending on :

  • context (see next section)
  • intention
  • level of harm done.

Examples for context :

This generally applies to all Internet communities and may strongly vary depending on such.

  • Some communities might require NSFW content to be marked as such . Such content should only be posted in appropriate or dedicated communities.
  • On some websites and platforms, nudity might be appropriate for purely educational , medical purposes.
  • On some sites, the situation for specific occasions might be unclear yet.
  • The usage of profane language might be appropriate depending on community and under given conditions
    • Some communities may require to put profane language inside spoiler tags.
  • Obviously, spreading illegal and harmful material (e.g. pornographic exploitation of children, doxing) is always inappropriate.

If you know of any more points and examples worth mentioning, suggest them in a comment.


If you wish to debate/question a cause or subject, expect getting rejected from the fan/advocacy communities that are not open to debates on their cause or subject, and look up an alternative community that is open to debates.


The Reddit community /r/AyyMD (fans of AMD) reject users who advocate competitors (i.e. NVIDIA), because they are not open for debates. An debate-open alternative would be /r/GraphicsCard.

Alternatively, join a dedicated NVIDIA fan community.

If you have suggestions for improving this text, or any questions, please address them in the comments.

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# Rule: **Be fair.** ^(Moved to separate post due to character 8000 limitation in side bar.) While exposing hostile moderators and administrators from internet communities, please maintain **fairness**. This means: ## **No false accusations please.** Please don't accuse moderators and administrators (and anyone else) of things they actually didn't do, **even if** you despise them and you are angry about them. ## **Legitimate suspensions** Disruptive and harmful behaviours (e.g. spam, vandalism, cyber bullying, personal threats, cyber-attack threats, posting inappropriate material (community-dependent), uploading illegal material) are legitimate and logically justified reasons to have a user's account temporarily or permanently suspended, **depending on**: * context (see next section) * intention * level of harm done. ### Examples for ***context***: This generally applies to all Internet communities and may strongly vary depending on such. * Some communities might require NSFW content to be **marked as such**. Such content should only be posted in appropriate or dedicated communities. * On some websites and platforms, nudity might be appropriate for **purely educational**, medical purposes. * On some sites, the situation for specific occasions might be [unclear yet](https://poal.co/s/poal/141825). * The usage of profane language might be appropriate depending on community and under given conditions * Some communities may require to put profane language inside spoiler tags. * Obviously, spreading illegal and harmful material (e.g. pornographic exploitation of children, doxing) is always inappropriate. If you know of any more points and examples worth mentioning, suggest them in a comment. ## **Debates** If you wish to debate/question a cause or subject, expect getting rejected from the fan/advocacy communities that are not open to debates on their cause or subject, and look up an alternative community that is open to debates. ### **Example:** The Reddit community */r/AyyMD* (fans of AMD) reject users who advocate competitors (i.e. NVIDIA), because they are not open for debates. An debate-open alternative would be /r/GraphicsCard. Alternatively, join a dedicated NVIDIA fan community. ---- If you have suggestions for improving this text, or any questions, please address them in the comments.

(post is archived)