WelcomeUser Guide

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Updated leaderboard here.

Because the sidebar information text is capped at 8000 characters, which have already been nearly exhausted, a separate post is needed for the moderatorship & administratorship abuse leaderboarbd.


The purpose of this leaderboard is to inform and warn users of potential hostility they might encounter in the respective communities.

This special place is reserved for the worst of the worst.

  • Those who treated innocent users without mercy.
  • Those whose blood is intoxicated by hostility.
  • Those who harm their own community.
  • Those who fail to acknowledge their own mistakes.
  • Those who respond to legitimate criticism with suppression, rage and/or verbal abuse.

Every human makes mistakes, but those who refuse to adapt and learn from them hinder progress and innovation.

These are the moderators and administrators who behaviourally solicited being listed here.

Rank list:

Sorted by abusiveness level from top to bottom. The highest rank, Rank 1 , is the most abusive.

Tip: If you are viewing this table on a mobile phone, we recommend you to turn your phone horizontally. The additional screen width provides a better viewing experience of the table.

🏆 Abuse Rank Name, user page and website Occupation Misconduct Notes
1. 🥇 Bbb23(en.wikipedia.org) en.wikipedia.org Long-term abusive Wikipedia administrator and deletionist. Long-term tool abuse(en.wikipedia.org); false accusations of trolling and more; stigmatisation of users; bigotry; hostility, toxicity and irrational acting; strong discouragement of prolific editors; selection bias; extreme pessimism; always assuming bad faith without any prior indication; acting against logic; disrespectful; occasional vandalism (collateral damage); mass-deletion of legitimate articles, drafts, redirects and templates; zero criticism tolerance; prejudice; lack of patience;(quora.com) punishing users for failing to follow his unclear and ambiguous instructions such as “say something useful”; usage of thought-terminating clichées; unreasonable, spontaneous and abusive revokings of talk page accesses;brigading fellow administrators against users; hypocrisy; double-standard in user boxes. Countless violations of the fourth pillar(en.wikipedia.org), among other policies such as WP:CIVIL, WP:Assume good faith, WP:Don't bite newcomers and WP:ADMINACCT . Community hashtag: #BbbGate(twitter.com) . It's fair to nickname him an “account sadist” (metaphorically).
2. 🥈 Jason Scott Sadofsky(archiveteam.org) ArchiveTeam.org ArchiveTeam founder and owner Coarse verbal abuse; gaslighting practices; flaming and scolding of innocent users; prejudice; abuse of authority bias; excessive insincerity; thanklessness; hostility and devaluation of prolific editors; stigmatization; selection bias and excessive pessimism; abrupt banning of innocent users without recourse; neglectance of user inquiries; abandonment of same conversation he requested minutes earlier; unable to handle legitimate criticism; poor patience; zero acknowledgement of own misconduct;, screaming false accusation against user (_ MONTHS you've been doing this”(archive.ph)_), despite the user's account was created only 3 weeks prior(archive.ph). IRC user name: “SketchCow” . Also known for UPPERCASE TEXT OVERUSE.
3. 🥉 Ani625(reddit.com) Reddit.com Redditor since 2006 (≥4.1M karma points), moderator of ≥192 subreddits (a “powermod” ). Random unreasonable and unexplained actions: Mass-deletion of legitimate posts and manual shadowbanning of poster (through AutoModerator). Neglectance of user inquiries; site-ban lobbyist.
4. Westwall(de.metapedia.org) de.metapedia.org German Metapedia administrator. Hostility; Suspending user for simple legitimate question; false accusations of edit warring; hypocrisy (falsely accuses user of “anti-social behaviour” while being like that himself); neglect of user inquiries; poor communication.
5. Adrian Isén ( Twitter @AdrianIsen(twitter.com); Instagram @adrianisenofficial(instagram.com)) Technology review YouTuber(youtube.com) Unreasonable and aggressive mass-blockings of innocent users on social media (some of which have only posted one harmless comment).
6. NinjaRobotPirate(en.wikipedia.org) en.wikipedia.org Wikipedia administrator Suppression of all criticism against Bbb23; prejudicial, hostile attitude.
7. RobertJ(forums.MozillaZine.org) Forums.MozillaZine.org MozillaZine user since 2003 and forum moderator; Proud iSheepsince ~1982. Hostility against innocent, especially new users; unreasonable and prejudicial closures of legitimate threads; devaluation of legitimate criticism.
+ [ (+) Add name ] If eligible, a new name will be sorted into the appropriate rank in the table.

These are the most hostile moderators and administrators known so far.

Feel free to ask questions, share your thoughts and suggest improvements and updates to the table in the comments.
Expose additional hostile moderators and administrators through a new post.


  • Communities being listed here does not imply that we disagree with their mission, but that members should expect being treated with hostility by their respective moderators and/or administrators.
  • Abusive moderators and administrators listed on this leaderboard might be lowered or de-listed, if they publicly apologize to their victims infront of their community, undo their damage and don't repeat their misconduct.
    • Dispute: If a moderator or administrator listed here believes that they behaved appropriately , they are kindly invitedto logically justify and clarify their actions, or clear up possible misunderstandings in an explanatory comment.
    • We might ask you to authenticate yourself through a confirmation posted by your original account, if you claim to be a user from another site than Poal.co (e.g. a user listed on the leaderboard above), in order to prevent someone from pretending to be someone they are not.
    • Be thankful we even give you the option to do so. Most hostile mods/admins give your users zero recourse and/or neglected their appeals entirely .
  • In contrary, moderators and administrators who persist inflicting damage and whose already abusive behaviour deteriorates, might have their rank increased.
  • As the owner of a community (e.g. Jason Scott), you obviously are by no means obligated (except morally obligated) to behave nice, fair and respectfully. But if you misbehave like the mods/admins listed above, then you should expect being thought of as hostile and being disrecommended by former users or witnesses, which deters new and existing users from joining or staying in your community, which hinders its flourishment. It is _your_ responsibility.
  • Don't blame us for being listed here. Every time you choose to behave hostile and counter-productively, you gamble with the trust of your users and you actively solicit being judged over it and publicly criticized for it. If you don't want that, please treat your community better. Choose civility over hostility.
    • This leaderboard is not defamatory , because it presents subjects as they are. Expect being judged based on how you present yourself.
    • Propose any changes by commenting.

Because posts on Poal.co get archived (i.e. locked and read-only) automatically after three months, an updated version of this leaderboard will be linked in the side bar, in the “Hall of shame” section, after this post expires.

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# **Updated leaderboard [here](https://poal.co/s/ModAbuse/150834).** ---- ^(Because the sidebar information text is capped at 8000 characters, which have already been nearly exhausted, a separate post is needed for the moderatorship & administratorship abuse leaderboarbd.) # ▪ **Leaderboard** The purpose of this leaderboard is to inform and warn users of potential hostility they might encounter in the respective communities. ### **This special place is reserved for the worst of the worst.** * Those who treated innocent users without mercy. * Those whose blood is intoxicated by hostility. * Those who harm their own community. * Those who fail to acknowledge their own mistakes. * Those who respond to legitimate criticism with suppression, rage and/or verbal abuse. Every human makes mistakes, but **those who refuse to adapt and learn** from them **hinder progress and innovation.** These are the moderators and administrators who behaviourally solicited being listed here. ## **Rank list:** Sorted by abusiveness level from top to bottom. The highest rank, *Rank 1*, is the most abusive. ^(Tip: If you are viewing this table on a mobile phone, we recommend you to turn your phone horizontally. The additional screen width provides a better viewing experience of the table.) | **🏆 Abuse Rank** | Name, user page and website | Occupation | Misconduct | Notes | |---|---------|---|---|---|---| | 1. 🥇 | [Bbb23](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Bbb23) • en.wikipedia.org | Long-term abusive Wikipedia administrator and deletionist. | Long-term [tool abuse](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WP:TOOLMISUSE); [false accusations of trolling and more; stigmatisation of users; bigotry; hostility, toxicity and irrational acting; strong discouragement of prolific editors; selection bias; extreme pessimism; always assuming bad faith without any prior indication; acting against logic; disrespectful; occasional vandalism (collateral damage); mass-deletion of legitimate articles, drafts, redirects and templates; zero criticism tolerance; prejudice; lack of patience;](https://www.quora.com/How-come-the-Wikipedia-administrator-BBB23-has-never-been-sanctioned-after-violating-WP-5P4-countless-times-for-years/answers/184895343) [punishing users for failing to follow his unclear and ambiguous instructions such as *“say something useful”*; usage of thought-terminating clichées; unreasonable, spontaneous and abusive revokings of talk page accesses;](https://poal.co/s/ModAbuse/138053) brigading fellow administrators against users; hypocrisy; double-standard in user boxes. Countless violations of [the fourth pillar](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WP:5P4), among other policies such as *WP:CIVIL, WP:Assume good faith, WP:Don't bite newcomers* and *WP:ADMINACCT*. | Community hashtag: ***[#BbbGate](https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?hashtags=BbbGate,Bbb23gate)***. It's fair to nickname him an *“account sadist”* (metaphorically). | | 2. 🥈 | [Jason Scott Sadofsky](https://archiveteam.org/index.php?title=User:Jscott) • ArchiveTeam.org | ArchiveTeam founder and owner | [Coarse verbal abuse; gaslighting practices; flaming and scolding of innocent users; prejudice; abuse of authority bias; excessive insincerity; thanklessness; hostility and devaluation of prolific editors; stigmatization; selection bias and excessive pessimism; abrupt banning of innocent users without recourse; neglectance of user inquiries; abandonment of same conversation he requested minutes earlier; unable to handle legitimate criticism; poor patience; zero acknowledgement of own misconduct;](https://poal.co/s/ModAbuse/120094), screaming false accusation against user (_[“**MONTHS** you've been doing this”](http://archive.ph/wip/DAjlz)_), despite the user's account was created [only 3 weeks prior](https://archive.ph/awgPM). | IRC user name: *“SketchCow”*. Also known for UPPERCASE TEXT OVERUSE. | | 3. 🥉 | [Ani625](https://reddit.com/u/Ani625) • Reddit.com | Redditor since 2006 (≥4.1M karma points), moderator of ≥192 subreddits (a *“powermod”*). | [Random unreasonable and unexplained actions: Mass-deletion of legitimate posts and manual shadowbanning of poster (through *AutoModerator*). Neglectance of user inquiries; site-ban lobbyist.](https://poal.co/s/MeanwhileOnReddit/115459) | | | 4. | [Westwall](https://de.metapedia.org/wiki/Benutzer:Westwall) • de.metapedia.org | German Metapedia administrator. | [Hostility; Suspending user for simple legitimate question; false accusations of *edit warring*; hypocrisy (falsely accuses user of *“anti-social behaviour”* while being like that himself); neglect of user inquiries; poor communication.](https://poal.co/s/ModAbuse/150552) | | 5. | Adrian Isén • ([Twitter @AdrianIsen](https://twitter.com/Adrianisen); [Instagram @adrianisenofficial](https://instagram.com/adrianisenofficial)) | Technology review [YouTuber](https://youtube.com/user/adrianisen) | Unreasonable and aggressive mass-blockings of innocent users on social media (some of which have only posted one harmless comment). | | | 6. | [NinjaRobotPirate](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:NinjaRobotPirate) • en.wikipedia.org | Wikipedia administrator | Suppression of all criticism against Bbb23; prejudicial, hostile attitude. | | 7. | [RobertJ](http://forums.MozillaZine.org/memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=16555) • Forums.MozillaZine.org | MozillaZine user since 2003 and forum moderator; Proud [iSheep](/s/crApple) since ~1982. | Hostility against innocent, especially new users; unreasonable and prejudicial closures of legitimate threads; devaluation of legitimate criticism. | + | [[ (+) Add name \]](https://poal.co/submit/text/ModAbuse/) | | | If eligible, a new name will be sorted **into the appropriate rank** in the table. | These are the most hostile moderators and administrators known so far. ---- Feel free to **ask questions, share your thoughts** and **suggest improvements and updates** to the table [in the comments](#scmnts). Expose additional hostile moderators and administrators through [a new post](https://poal.co/submit/text/ModAbuse). # Information: * Communities being listed here **does not imply** that we disagree with their mission, but that members should expect being treated with hostility by their respective moderators and/or administrators. * Abusive moderators and administrators listed on this leaderboard might be lowered or de-listed, if they publicly apologize to their victims infront of their community, undo their damage and don't repeat their misconduct. * **Dispute:** If a moderator or administrator listed here believes that they **behaved appropriately**, they are kindly [invited](https://poal.co/login?next=%2Fp%2F132568%23rcomm-0) to logically justify and clarify their actions, or clear up possible misunderstandings in an explanatory comment. * We might ask you to **authenticate yourself** through a confirmation posted by your original account, if you claim to be a user from another site than Poal.co (e.g. a user listed on the leaderboard above), in order to prevent someone from pretending to be someone they are not. * **Be thankful** we even give you the option to do so. Most hostile mods/admins give your users zero recourse and/or neglected their appeals **entirely**. * In contrary, moderators and administrators who persist inflicting damage and whose already abusive behaviour deteriorates, **might have their rank increased.** * As the owner of a community (e.g. Jason Scott), you obviously are by **no means obligated** (except **morally** obligated) to behave nice, fair and respectfully. But if you misbehave like the mods/admins listed above, then you should **expect being thought of as hostile** and being disrecommended by former users or witnesses, which deters new and existing users from joining or staying in your community, which hinders its flourishment. It is **_your_ responsibility.** * Don't blame ***us*** for being listed here. Every time you choose to behave hostile and counter-productively, **you** gamble with the trust of your users and **you actively solicit** being judged over it and publicly criticized for it. If you don't want that, **please treat your community better.** Choose civility over hostility. * This leaderboard is **not** *defamatory*, because it presents subjects **as they are.** Expect being judged based on how you present yourself. * Propose any changes by commenting. ---- Because posts on Poal.co get *archived* (i.e. locked and read-only) automatically after three months, an updated version of this leaderboard will be linked in the side bar, in the *“Hall of shame”* section, after this post expires.

(post is archived)

[–] 1 pt 5y


Well done!

[–] 0 pt 5y


I hope they will soon realize that Bbb23 is logically harming Wikipedia more than he is helping Wikipedia.