>pickle Sword
>pickle Sword
Can you directly link to the conversation for full context?
Maybe that video was actually important for some contextual reasons, but I think that a ban for refusing to watch a video is much exaggerated.
@Sw0rdofDamoclescan you politely provide some context?
This is posted under the "reason" heading.
I'm not even sure what the reason is, still... I think we can only assume it's because I didn't want to buy a book, but was willing to give advice anyway.
The book-selling faggots have long gatekeep'd this industry. Competition means less book sales.
It's like, why would you let your competition reveal for free what you're selling in your book?
Surely, sword isn't desiring to sell books, right?
Nah, I'm just jesting. I don't know what's up with our friend sword.
He may have been offended. I think the ban was an overreaction, but I can see how he would be upset. Perhaps he liked the maker of the video a lot and found your response arrogant. Hopefully, he'll cool off and understand this isn't a big deal.
No one has ever accused me of being arrogant.
Side note: I wonder why he also banned the users Vvswiftvv , Pictograff and PoalBansPeople without providing the reasons.
Maybe the last of the three was a pure troll account (the name sounds like that), but the other two? Not sure.
Pictograff was also a troublemaker/troll. Swift was known for being somewhat abrasive. I'm not saying her ban was justified, but it does seem Sw0rd does ban people for slights.
I don't even think we had a fight...
I think he was just annoyed that I didn't want to watch a video where someone says something I've heard three thousand times already.
That was a typo. I typed "flights" instead of "slights."
(post is archived)