What's the trade off of having a non systemD system?
I need a no BS assessment, not some "proselytic" stuff or wishful thinking
Is it doomed to be "deprecated" in some way? As in, past a certain date in a not so distant future, support will drop entirely for instance
Because if you're going to have PID 1 responsible for everything and doing the dishes, you might as well install windows?
I realise this may verge on "proselytic", but it really does come down to a difference in design philosophy - systemd violates the "do one thing and do it well" approach of *nix software design. This makes it not only more frustrating to work with (personal opinion), but also more difficult to replace - the latter point more-so as a result of its creeping integration with other software (This is the part where I'd glare at GNOME, but honestly, fuck GUI's, man. Tiling terminal or bust. TILING TERMINALS OR BUST. )
Though, this thread has now forced me to think about computers three days early.
You assholes!
I agree
It's too bad nobody is maintaining an i3 debian based distro... Or arch based, or whatever
I've gone tired of installing the entire kit everytime I have to for whatever reason, this + this + this + this + this.... Oh fuck I forgot that pain in the ass again...
I've made a stripped down i3 ubuntu live distro with installer using cubic... 700 Mb...
But well, I'm not a pro, and I would rather prefer a team of pros doing this shit, because I don't want to play make ubuntu image disk for the rest of my days every time a new distro version is out
But really my concern about non systemd distros is about... What it's going to become in 5 years for instance. Are people going to drop it because "go with systemd it's the future!" ?
Because it sounds a bit like that
Much of the Linux world is going with systemD so yeah you will be missing updates for the next several years probably.
(post is archived)