He misled because he didn't reveal his personal vendetta of mass downvoting, attacking me with alts (3 months ago) to impress a girl, or the fact that he spams hateful comments on my every post.
If he commits to improving this behavior, I'll accept an improvement plan and a pathway to him being unbanned
One of my main motivations behind this, was him accusing me of pedophilia out of the blue as well. Admin /u/aousaid "get a room", so I took this as a sign I should ban Saba from my subs.
I'm sure most will agree reasoning.
If I receive a full, written improvement plan with steps you will take to limit your bad behavior, screaming, and accusations, then you will be allowed back on a limited probationary period.
okay i run ZERO alts you fucking faggot more mod abuse
and such a "cry post"
didnt read fuckface, pictures are worth a thousand words.
continue being a hypocritical nigger
and a mod of /v/modabuse you should be hung and lynched
notice how he stickied it too, lol what a flamming faggot.... you been hanging around @starjellotoo long
I wonder if you have the mental clarity to realize that nobody will ever take you seriously
He thinks your hung. That's sweet.
(post is archived)