great and thanks for making the sub.
You're welcome, mate!
The following text has been added to the sidebar. It contains a disclaimer for people who have been documented and reported by users here (e.g. Bbb23(, Ani625(, Jason Scott(, etc.):
Abuse reportee's disclaimer:
Before personally judging and hating on a legitimate abuse reporter, who reported you, please note that through your hostility and presumably misconductive and suppressive actions, either passively or actively, you solicited being called out for moderatorship abuse or administratorship abuse. You carry responsibility for your actions and your position.
If you think otherwise, you are encouraged to join the conversation and either logically justify your actions, or apologize to the user and undo the damage if possible.
A rank list of the most hostile and/or irresponsible known moderators and administrators.
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The Internet sadly has an abundance of communities with ruthless and hostile moderators and administrators who behave irresponsibly, harm their own cause, abuse their powers and oppress innocent users without recourse.
We strive to make the Internet more peaceful and productive by exposing those who perpetuate hostility.
Have you witnessed moderator or adminisrator of an online community doing any of these things?
You are not alone. This is the right place to share your story!
We listen to your grievances.
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Follow these guidelines in order to provide the best possible experience to fellow users of this community.
[like this](#spoiler)
. The contents of spoiler tags will be revealed upon hovering above it with the mouse cursor or tapping on it.And last but not least:
Please don't accuse moderators or administrators of things they actually didn't do, even if you despise them.
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Constructive criticism is welcome.
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That's right. Bbb23 behaved so excessively obnoxious that he is a category of his own.
CSS of this subverse (and /s/LostFeatures, /s/crApple, /s/MeanwhileOnVoat and /s/MeanwhileOnReddit) designed by /u/Handroid7.
(post is archived)