WelcomeUser Guide

©2025 Poal.co


The following text has been added to the sidebar. It contains a disclaimer for people who have been documented and reported by users here (e.g. Bbb23(en.wikipedia.org), Ani625(reddit.com), Jason Scott(archiveteam.org), etc.):

Abuse reportee's disclaimer:

Before personally judging and hating on a legitimate abuse reporter, who reported you, please note that through your hostility and presumably misconductive and suppressive actions, either passively or actively, you solicited being called out for moderatorship abuse or administratorship abuse. You carry responsibility for your actions and your position.

If you think otherwise, you are encouraged to join the conversation and either logically justify your actions, or apologize to the user and undo the damage if possible.

The following text has been added to the sidebar. It contains a disclaimer for people who have been documented and reported by users here (e.g. [Bbb23](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Bbb23), [Ani625](https://reddit.com/u/Ani625), [Jason Scott](https://archiveteam.org/index.php?title=User:Jscott), etc.): ># Abuse reportee's disclaimer: Before personally judging and hating on a legitimate abuse reporter, who reported you, please note that through ***your*** hostility and presumably **misconductive and suppressive** actions, either passively or actively, **you solicited being called out** for moderatorship abuse or administratorship abuse. **You carry responsibility** for your actions and your position. > > If you think otherwise, **you are encouraged to join the conversation** and either **logically justify** your actions, or **apologize** to the user and **undo the damage** if possible.

(post is archived)

[–] 1 pt 5y

great and thanks for making the sub.

[–] 1 pt 5y

You know some folks pay for abuse. Mine that salt and find a way to send more sensitive asshat's there way for a profit.

[–] 2 pts 5y

If both folks are happy, that's OK.

But the users who shared their grievances here are certainly not happy about some moderators/administrators, including myself regarding Wikipedia administrator Bbb23.