At least things increasingly look better.
Thanks again!
Try toggling dark mode now.
That's beautiful!
Now, the night background has stars and more realistic colouring.
At least things increasingly look better.
Try toggling dark mode now.
That's beautiful!
Now, the night background has stars and more realistic colouring.
Apparently, linear gradients and smooth transitions don't work well with each other.
Added yesterday, because a moron from the Chromium developement team (David Trainor) considered it a brilliant idea to get rid of many flags in chrome://flags for no logical reason (for the sake of reducing the size of the flags ), including #disable-pull-to-refresh-effect and #accessibility-tab-list (not sure about the exact name in the latter one):
body { overscroll-behavior: contain ;}
Take that, David Trainor!
No more accidential refreshing!
You're welcome.
Pull-to-refresh is so annoying in mobile phone browsers.
Hiding logout button to avoid accidentally hitting hitting it.
Accessible from user settings anyway, so one more click away.
The mobile navigation menu is now aligned to the right for better accessibility.
Line added:
.pure-menu-horizontal { text-align:right;}
(post is archived)