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CognitiveDissident5banned me from two of his subs

Reason: Hates white women

Screen: http://magaimg.net/img/a0l2.png

I've never even posted about white women or hating white women.

This was all because I said I didn't want to see voat die in https://poal.co/s/QStorm/122203/d8711d48-d742-4cf5-9798-72f60b1de874#cmnts

Banning people for conversations in other subs. Classy, reddit

[CognitiveDissident5](https://poal.co/u/CognitiveDissident5) banned me from two of his subs **Reason:** Hates white women **Screen:** http://magaimg.net/img/a0l2.png I've never even posted about white women or hating white women. This was all because I said I didn't want to see voat die in https://poal.co/s/QStorm/122203/d8711d48-d742-4cf5-9798-72f60b1de874#cmnts Banning people for conversations in other subs. Classy, reddit

(post is archived)

[–] 5 pts 5y

She's a woman. You and other newer accounts have had trouble understanding Poal's culture regarding the downvote be button. This led her to suspect you were aggressive like the average Voat user. I think the remedy is being more open to articulating yourself.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts 5y

I have no time for raging women and almost never address them or post about them or care. I think I articulated myself quite clearly in that thread. I didn't want voat to die because it was a good source of information depending on the subs you are on. That's all I said. Where does she get white women hate from that? She didn't even bother to check to see if I did considering the subs I run. The culture of insane, chemically imbalanced battleaxes is cancerous to me. White women are not. Do we even know for sure if this person is a white woman? It could be a CIA plant.

[–] [deleted] 1 pt 5y

Please, listen to a few of her stories

She's a good person, just can be a but misunderstood at times.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts 5y

I think she misunderstood me. Not the other way around. I'm as pro-white as it gets.

[–] 0 pt 5y

On Voat she got quite a few people telling her to be raped by blacks. She's worried you might be of that type. I could talk with her and try to get her to understand your perspective.

[–] [deleted] 1 pt 5y

Perfect comment, well done as always star.

[–] [deleted] 3 pts 5y

Well, I can't speak on what did or didnt happen but I can say that @cognitivedissident5has been around a long while and is a pillar of our community.

I also think @handroid07and @heraclaidesare great new contributors as well.

This is an awkward position because everyone involved is a good net positive on poal.

I think we should find a way to reach an understanding and work this out, we would all appreciate it if the involved parties could do so.

[–] [deleted] 3 pts 5y

Pillar? She runs s/niggers and mass bans people for no reason. Cute

[–] [deleted] 2 pts 5y

It would be wise to be civil during these discussions

[–] [deleted] 3 pts 5y

You're right.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 5y

I can't read the comments apart from yours, because I blocked the women haters.

[–] 3 pts 5y
[–] [deleted] 2 pts 5y

Do we need a cross and gasoline for this one just a rope?

I mean after fair trial

I ask because I need to go out buy tobacco right now, I can stop by walmart on the way home

[–] 2 pts 5y

trial trial trial

[–] 1 pt 5y

Same happened to me, only just found out since I don't check this site too often. What an absolute lying cunt. Looks like nognitive dicksucker is gone now lol. Now, if she had banned me for hating black women or blacks in general, that's another story...

[–] [deleted] 1 pt 5y

She ran r/niggers so I don't think black has much to do with her rage. It's just that she thinks everyone hates women and she has emotional problems from her time at voat

[–] 0 pt 5y

Quick reply, thanks. I think she got pissy with me because I downvoted something.. oh well lol. If she didn't like the fact that I can downvote, she should have taken that up with the site, not the user, instead of tagging people as haters of white women.

[–] [deleted] 1 pt 5y

She probably went to saidit where the pussies run free and tyranny of admins and users trumps all

[–] [deleted] -1 pt 5y

No faggot. My subs are pro white subs run by me, a white woman. You downvoted my factual post about women haters on VOAT. Which means you support hatred of women like me. As a white woman, I banned you from my pro white subs as is my perogative. Keep crying about it. Oh and 5 is not "mass". Now cry some more.

[–] [deleted] -1 pt 5y

Get your facts straight incel. You downvoted my comment on this platform and I banned you from my subs on this forum. Now cry some more. This isn't VOAT.

[–] [deleted] 1 pt 5y

Name calling only reddit can appreciate. Get your facts straight. You banned me for being anti-white woman. You lied. You're a fool. Sorry about your baggage from voat, you should have left it there. You're a self-fulfilling prophecy. Enjoy being unstable for the rest of your life

[–] [deleted] -1 pt 5y (edited 5y)

You're a fucking liar. Why embarrass yourself?

You are accountable for your own actions, not me.

You and your misogynist pals mass-downvoted my factual statement about women haters on voat. Perhaps you omitted to read the blurb about how things work here? The downvote button is not a disagree button and downvote brigading is frowned upon, but you did it anyway. I left voat because of fags like you, your effeminate insecurity that breeds hatred of White women, the death threats, the wishing niggers get me, etc.

For every action (of yours) there is a reaction. That’s how life works, the law of cause and effect is eternal. Don’t instigate something and then cry about the consequences like a bitch. No wonder you are intimidated by women.

@PMYB2their downvote brigading is easily evidenced by my posting history. I guess they were surprised I could see who the downvote brigaders were.

So as a white woman, it is reasonable that I not tolerate misogynists who are hostile to white women on my subs. In addition, I have no interest in reading what women-haters (or welfare-claiming meth heads with mulatto kids, etc) have to say, so I block their ilk to save myself seeing the rubbish they spew. Freedom of association is not unreasonable. I’m here for intelligent discourse with intelligent people, not little boys whose balls haven’t dropped yet and probably never will.

Making demonstrably false allegations about me doesn’t make them true. Facts are important, you omitted all the pertinent facts about how YOU instigated this.

Some advice to help you overcome your hatred of white women: to find a diamond, you have to be one and that presents an unfortunate hurdle for you and your fellow incel misogynists. @AfroWasp1 @GabarasTinyPenis

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