I used to post the same things across Voat, Phuks, and Poal. Voat isn't reliably online anymore so I don't check in that often. Most of my posts on Phuks would be down-voted regardless of content, so I figured I wasn't wanted. Poal is pretty much the only place I participate online now.
Not gonna lie, that's pretty gay of them.
send em dick pics then
Top Minds of Reddit crew
What is that?
Top Minds of Reddit is a shill farm that specializes in using drama an undeserved derision as a distraction.
They also use a sister sub, AgainstHateSubs, to ban subs with opposing political views that undermine the current astroturfing and socialist shilling that dominate the site.
Yeah, they have their fingers in a lot of pies and they accomplish a lot with only a handful of people.
It's what makes them easy to spot. 5 people on Voat can take it over, practically. 10 people on reddit can easily haunt the top 1000 subs.
This is why exposing downvotes is so effective. They identify themselves, immediately, on Poal.
It is time to boycott Phuks because they are run by the Top Minds of Reddit
That's a pretty big assumption. Do you have proof?
edit: lol. You called the dev/owner a retard when xe asked you about your titles. That's probably why.
hides israeli paychecks
just quit the site and concentrate here
Done and done.
i have boycotted voat and am with you on boycottong phuks lets just NEVER go back
I was also not treated well on Goat Voat.
Next time you are at public Internet, you can leave a Low Orbit Ion Cannon running in their direction.
Phuks is literally ran by transexual programners
oh whoops my buttplug fell off
Isn't Poal and Phuks owned by the same entity? (sorry if I'm wrong)
I know.
But doesn't he own Phuks too? (maybe I confused something)
No. I thought the admin of Phuks was Clamhurt of SDBH, correct me if I'm wrong?
One of the admins got mad at me for linking to VDare. He insinuated I was being paid by them. While I do have a habit of reading a lot of VDare, I think he just didn't want to say people shouldn't post controversial sources.
VDare pays people? Half the people on Poal should apply.
(post is archived)