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(post is archived)

[–] 2 pts 5y

I am ATrescue, one of the two users mentioned in that forum post. I created a Poal.co account just to write this comment (and possibly more in future) :

I just found this post, and wow! Thank you for pointing this out!

Thank you for revealing his 2016 treatment of Kyan too!

Apparently, I am not the only one who was treated like a pile of worthless trash by Jason Scott.

I initially considered him a hero. I appreciated his strong preservationism and “We are going to rescue your shit” attitudes so much that I even put it on my user page of ArchiveTeam's Wiki(archive.is).

But on May 16th 2019, Jason Scott revealed his dark and hostile side.

I have added over 20000 bytes of knowledge to the [[YouTube]] article on ArchiveTeam Wiki.

Jason Scott does not care.

That is more 75% of the article, written by ONE single editor, mentioning things he probably never knew about.

Jason Scott does not care.

The text I added includes much relevant information for archivism.

Jason Scott does not care.

I treated new users with dignity..

Jason Scott does not care (, and apparently lacks dignitiy too).

I added detailed information about things on YouTube like the “discussion” feature (Channel Comments), AutoShare, channel layouts, comment loading, comment archiving and removed features, etc.; see: https://www.archiveteam.org/index.php?title=YouTube&action=history

Jason Scott does not care.

I tried encouraging the community to save YouTube channel comments (discussions) before it is too late.

Jason Scott does not care.

I made the community aware of “YouTube Stories” by adding information about it onto the article. (YouTube's version of Snapchat, with volatile media that could be rescued from oblivion.)

Jason Scott does not care.  

I created the [[Instagram]] article and collected A LOT of information and details about ID's, website behaviour and their API.

Jason Scott does not care.  

I introduced the community to isdb.pw, an Instagram Story archive.

Jason Scott does not care.  

I introduced the community to IGTV (Instagram's vertical video platform).

Jason Scott does not care.  

I significantly improved the [[Archive.is]] article (e.g. adding a list of alternative URL's and information about rate limiting and archival behaviour).

Jason Scott does not care.

I introduced the community to a userscript, that helps preserving pages into the Wayback Machine. Source: https://userscripts-mirror.org/scripts/show/383915.

Jason Scott does not care.

I even created an enhanced version of it: https://www.archiveteam.org/index.php?title=User:ATrescue/AutoWB.js.

Jason Scott does not care.

I created an article for MegaSWF, a site that nearly went into oblivion.

Jason Scott does not care.

I created an article for UserScripts.org, one of the most popular websites for Firefox users before it went offline in 2014.

Jason Scott does not care.

I created an article for Dailymotion, even introducing ArchiveTeam to https://www.dailymotion.com/archived/index.html, which then got grabbed by ArchiveBot. JAA initiated that archival process (with the assigned job ID 3dedmphre3j84gvxtoxr6zn4f ).

Jason Scott does not care. (Thankfully, JAA (“JustAnotherArchivist”) does care somewhat.)

I helped saving some YouTube videos (using #youtubearchive), and channels before they vanished from YouTube.

Jason Scott does not care.

I saved many politically important tweets and websites using ArchiveBot “!ao <list” and chromebot.

Jason Scott does not care.

I saved many tweets from accounts that are likely to delete tweets or get into a private state.

Jason Scott does not care.

I significantly improved the [[chromebot]] article. In fact, I wrote most of it.

Jason Scott does not care.

I improved the layout of the {{URL}} template, making it more compact, turning “[IA] [Wcite] [.is] [MemWeb]” into “[IA•Wcite•.is•MemWeb]”

Jason Scott does not care.

I added MementoWeb TimeTravel to [[:Template:URL]], the template on ArchiveTeam Wiki that allows users to quickly optionally access archived versions of linked URL's.

Jason Scott does not care.

I created the page [[Wanted]], which is meant for users to create a list of information (e.g. abandonware/legacy software discs from the 90s), of which no copy exists on the Internet Archive or anywhere to be found online. VXheaven has that too.

Jason Scott does not care.  

Speaking of VXheaven (malware research reposirory), I created a wiki page for that one too, because it often ceased to be kept online.

Jason Scott does not care.  

I asked valid, helpful questions about ChromeBot.

Jason Scott does not care.

I made suggestions on how to improve ArchiveBot (e.g. pipline space storage warning inside #ArchiveBot's IRC channel; & scanning sitemap.xml and robots.txt files to gather more and hidden site links).

Does Jason care about that? Nope….

I was the first one ever to use tooltips in the wikitext of ArchiveTeam's Wiki.

…he does also not care about that.

I made the page https://www.archiveteam.org/index.php?title=List_of_lost_online_videosto preserve information about lost videos, and potentially find re-uploaders, in a sophisticated table. Jason Scott does not care. (I wonder if he can ever make tables this beautiful.) I made the page https://www.archiveteam.org/index.php?title=List_of_lost_Twitter_accountsto keep track of volatile and fragile Twitter accounts.

Jason Scott does not care.

I created an article for YasakTube, which nearly went oblivious entirely.

Jason Scott does still not care.

I promoted ArchiveTeam on the DataHoarder IRC channel: https://irc-source.com/channel/freenode/%23DataHoarder. A place of potentially more like-minded people.

Jason Scott does not care.

I brought some attention to the Wayback Machine's tendency not to archive YouTube watch URL's with sub-parameters.

Jason Scott does not care.

I renamed some, partially very old files to a human-readable filename (e.g. https://www.archiveteam.org/index.php?title=File:YouTube_-_Broadcast_Yourself._1303512848647.pnghttps://www.archiveteam.org/index.php?title=File:YouTube2011.pngvia https://www.archiveteam.org/index.php?title=File:YouTube2011.png&diff=38367&oldid=4557).

Jason Scott does not care.

I made several suggestions on how to improve ArchiveTeam Wiki and allow users to be more productive.

Jason Scott does not care.

I created several useful redirects.

Jason Scott does not care.

I started a page about the undocumented “VideoBot” , encouraging users to document it better. See: https://www.archiveteam.org/index.php?title=VideoBot

Jason Scott does ca-… … …ugh, no, he doesn't.

I added related pages to “See Also” sections, which could interest readers of the current page.

Jason Scott does not care.

I created the page “List of renamed social accounts”, which could simplify keeping track of social media accounts on e.g. Twitter and Instagram, when being renamed, which could lead to the loss of that account and/or dead links. Colums include user ID.

Jason Scott does not care.

I managed page categories, which help organizing the Wiki and making it more overseeable.

Jason Scott does not care.

I built an near-original CSS replica of the Twitter user interface: https://www.archiveteam.org/index.php?title=List_of_volatile_messages#m.twitter.com_-_initial_visit

Jason Scott does not care.

I also built a CSS replica of the YouTube logo (see the beginning of https://archive.li/529JW).

Jason Scott does not care.

I added a neat construction work GIF animation ( https://www.archiveteam.org/index.php?title=File:Underconstruction.gif) to: https://archiveteam.org/index.php/template:Underconstruction.

Jason Scott does not care.

I created pages for three more video platforms: Vlare.TV, Viduro and We-TeVe.

How much does Jason Scott care about that? NOT AT ALL, as he says.

I created the sophisticated [[template:twhandle]], designed for [[List of lost Twitter accounts]], which helps keeping track of lost tweets and accounts to watch (e.g. archive immediately when available again). It supports parameters, which e.g. can be used to add a padlock icon in case of the account being privated.

Jason Scott does not care.  

I even got suspended from Wikipedia for accidentially promoting ArchiveTeam (forgetting their guidelines at that time) due to my username and writing “Archive Team We are going to rescue your shit!”, a slogan Jason Scott composed in January of 2009, on my Wikipedia userpage, like I did on my ArchiveTeam Wiki user page. More information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User_talk:ATrescue.

Jason Scott does not care.

I embraced and appreciated (t)his “We are going to rescue your shit”-attitude so much, that I even selected my username based on it!

Jason. does. not. care.

I even placed that picture ( https://www.archiveteam.org/index.php?title=File:Archiveteam.jpg) directly onto the center of my userpage ( https://www.archiveteam.org/index.php?title=User:ATrescue) and rebuilt a CSS-based version of it ( https://www.archiveteam.org/index.php?title=User:ATrescue/RescueShit).

Jason. Does. Not. Care. At all.

I have not mentioned everything yet, there was more. Guess what? As he himself says, HE DOES NOT CARE‼ #JasonDoesNotCare

Spectacular betrayal.

Ask yourself (and post your answer into the comments), would you like to do a favour to a person whose mindset is “I don't care how productive he is.”? (i.e. Jason Scott). Yeah, me neither. I wonder how Jason Scott would feel, if Brewster Kahle (Internet Archive's founder) said “I don't care how productive Jason Scott is!”. Betrayed, wouldn't he? Because that's exactly how Jason Scott treats his community. Highly concentrated hostility.

I treated ArchiveTeam Wiki as a Wiki. Jason Scott doesn't.

When I originally read https://www.ArchiveTeam.org/index.php/Robots.txt, which he wrote, I was really impressed by how Jason Scott stole my words. I just could not agree more. I had very similar emotions about Robots.txt, when it crippled my ability to access saved pages ever since I know the Wayback Machine, and irrational webmasters who write “user-agent:ia_archiver disallow:/” into their robots.txt. But now, a dream has come true: Robots.txt is finally neglected by Wayback Machine, only manually excluded pages such as Quora.com are still inaccessible. I originally considered Jason Scott a nice, generous, passionate, like-minded and friendly personality.

But on May 16th 2019, Jason Scott has proven himself as the polar opposite of my initial expectations. And due to authority bias (as described in some other posts here), I had practically no glimpse of a chance against his prejudice.

It makes me ask myself: What does Jason Scott care about then, if he cares so little? What can pass through Jason Scott's big wall of ignorance? And if he cares so little about his community's great contributions, why doesn't he make ArchiveTeam.org's wiki entirely write-protected (read-only) except for himself? According to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wiki“A wiki (/ˈwɪki/) is a knowledge base website on which users collaboratively modify content and structure directly from the web browser.” Does Jason Scott seem collaborative to any of you? Anyone? Hello? No? Nah…

Don't misunderstand me. I think Jason Scott has an important role (rescuing historical information from oblivion), and his “preservation of service attack” attitude is respectible. But the way he treats some users is downright despicably hostile. And as proven in kyan's case (see post link), he is evidently terrible at handling legitimate criticism.

I initially considered Jason Scott a hero, but his hostile actions made me despise his personality.

And if he treats one user like that, the true, non-revealed extent of his hostility (including in his private life) is unfathomable. This might just be the tip of the iceberg.

Any person who utters “I don't care how productive he isagainst someone whose good contributions outweigh the minor missteps by far, should be questioned and classified as unthankful.

Also, he labelled my edits “blasting through the place” . Pejoratively, dysphemistic, unthankful.

The user “JAA” ( JustAnotherArchivist ) already behaved repeatedly hostile against me in the few prior weeks, but nothing compared to Jason Scott, who was inactive on the Wiki since late 2018 and came out of nowhere, without warning, to ban me for pretty much nothing.

The vast majority of my 460 edits added value. And he did not even specify which exact edits he did not like. It was vague and unambiguous.

Yeah, apparently we need to shore up because this guy will probably now try and get in again(archiveteam.org)

Get in again and and then do what? Sorry, but why would I want to continue editing on a Wiki whose unthankful owner coarsely abuses his position?

He even gave me no chance to negotiate at all.

In just ten minutes , Jason Scott made me think of him as the polar opposite as prior to it. I expected him to be grateful for the 460 contributions I made within three weeks (while he made just 20 additive contributions since 2017). Instead of gratitude, I was greeted with hostility in such a highly concentrated form.

[The text above includes parts of a much bigger non-published, unfinished manifest (written mostly in June 2019), that will be published in future if Jason Scott persists in being unthankful and hostile to other users. He might change, but that's unlikely regarding his previous behavioural patterns. ]

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[–] 1 pt 5y

I didn't know all that. This is very sad.

I dug around in their logs a bit, and found:

SketchCow: I speak ban fluently.(archive.is)

I think he meant “I scream ban fluently” , because regarding your story, he indeed does.

I still appreciate Jason Scott's strong inclusionism, but this behaviour is very Bbb23-alike.

But it's his loss. Communities that suppress innovation risk collapsing in long-term.

[–] 1 pt 5y

I didn't know all that. This is very sad.

Indeed. I expected Jason Scott to be as friendly as I thought initially.
Sadly, the polar opposite has proven to be the case.

I dug around in their logs a bit, and found: SketchCow: “I speak ban fluently.”

Interesting! Thanks for sharing.

I still appreciate Jason Scott's strong inclusionism,

Me too. But he behaved pretty much like a butthole.

But it's his loss. Communities that suppress innovation risk collapsing in long-term.


Apparently, I am not the only one who was treated like a pile of trash.

[–] 1 pt 5y

After exploring the IRC logs from 2019-05-16, I also wonder why Jason Scott decided to super-block you (indefinitely, no talk page access, wiki mail disabled) nine minutes after he initially blocked you for just one week, after which you just communicated normally and calmly to him.

This behavioural pattern is tremendously similar to Bbb23's behaviour on Wikipedia.

[–] 1 pt 5y

why Jason Scott decided to super-block you

Probably just to make a statement.

[–] 1 pt 5y

Sorry for late response, and great thanks for sharing your grievances.

I was actually thinking about joining ArchiveTeam, but after learning what kind of a butthole Jason Scott apparently is, I digressed.