No, what hes done to betray my faith us unforgivable. I was a trump zealot once, but I dont like. Being lied to
Personally, I've been censored on voat.
I wanted to see if @webofslimeand voat /u/nomochomowere being stifled because they were outsted for incredibly shady reasons and targeted by individuals that are suspect.
So, I posted a few controversial topics that web told me they would try to stifle: the mormons and the Catholics
They posted very shady "editorial" guidelines as a rule, which I witnessed Vindicator violate many, many times.
The basis for their initial censorship for myself was that the Masonic-mormon connection wasn't established. Interestingly enough, even after I provided mormon church BYU curriculum that showed masonry is taught in classes there, the post was removed.
It turns out mods Peacekeeper and Vindicator are both die hard Catholics who believe the world can only be saved if "gods church rules again".
Which means they believe we all must be Vatican subjects .
So, needless to say they are deep into Francis' NWO.
This post was mostly put of curiosity if others have experienced this as well.
The way Nomochomo and webofslime, two warriors for our cause, were ousted raised a lot of alarm bells. I just want to document everything I can so they can't come back here and try a coup once voat goes down the tubes.
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