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Personally, I've been censored on voat.

I wanted to see if @webofslimeand voat /u/nomochomowere being stifled because they were outsted for incredibly shady reasons and targeted by individuals that are suspect.

So, I posted a few controversial topics that web told me they would try to stifle: the mormons and the Catholics

They posted very shady "editorial" guidelines as a rule, which I witnessed Vindicator violate many, many times.

The basis for their initial censorship for myself was that the Masonic-mormon connection wasn't established. Interestingly enough, even after I provided mormon church BYU curriculum that showed masonry is taught in classes there, the post was removed.

It turns out mods Peacekeeper and Vindicator are both die hard Catholics who believe the world can only be saved if "gods church rules again".

Which means they believe we all must be Vatican subjects .

So, needless to say they are deep into Francis' NWO.

This post was mostly put of curiosity if others have experienced this as well.

The way Nomochomo and webofslime, two warriors for our cause, were ousted raised a lot of alarm bells. I just want to document everything I can so they can't come back here and try a coup once voat goes down the tubes.

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Personally, I've been censored on voat. I wanted to see if @webofslime and voat /u/nomochomo were being stifled because they were outsted for incredibly shady reasons and targeted by individuals that are suspect. So, I posted a few controversial topics that web told me they would try to stifle: *the mormons* and *the Catholics* They posted very shady "editorial" guidelines as a rule, which I witnessed Vindicator violate many, many times. The basis for their initial censorship for myself was that the Masonic-mormon connection wasn't established. Interestingly enough, even after I provided mormon church BYU curriculum that showed masonry is taught in classes there, the post was removed. It turns out mods Peacekeeper and Vindicator are both die hard Catholics who believe the world can only be saved if "gods church rules again". Which means **they believe we all must be Vatican subjects**. So, needless to say they are deep into Francis' NWO. This post was mostly put of curiosity if others have experienced this as well. The way Nomochomo and webofslime, two warriors for our cause, were ousted raised a lot of alarm bells. I just want to document everything I can so they can't come back here and try a coup once voat goes down the tubes.

(post is archived)

[–] 5 pts 5y

First, they will cite that "the community" voted on their draconian rules, when, in fact, it was just a vocal minority.

Notice, when they sought community input, recently, they were shat on by nearly everyone.

The ties between Mormonism and Pizzagate are through the Pace Memorandum, which is one of the most censored topics on the Internet and was a cover up by Utah State Police of epic proportions. Further ties are through one of the powerful families in the Mormon church, the Kimballs, who are involved in Google and donating to Hillary Clinton, even going so far as founding orphanages and schools in Haiti with the help of other dark money Clinton supporters, like Michael Zaleski. A resort home, Casa Kimball, is owned right next to Cabarete, where the Silsby orphans were headed. We've also seen couple of curious deaths in the area... one recently of a woman who worked with these children and another reporter from a few years ago.

I always faced censorship from /v/Pizzagate, so I posted there sparingly. Generally, I would put together material for other platforms, then just post there as a sidenote because they usually deleted it.

I never complained. For years, I said nothing. I just let them delete it.

Then, I made a super long post that tied all of this information together, including that of Roy Cohn, the professional blackmailer and mentor of Donald Trump. I think I called the post, "The Totality of the Evidence." This immediately earned me derision from moderation and a number of attempts to take down my site. Even though I have no links to my site on the post, it is marked as a security threat by @Vindicator.

Eventually, I continued to make decent posts in /v/Pizzagate, which infuriated Crensch, who gave my username a large red flair. What I found, is that it helped my posts gain more attention, and he banned me, as a result, falsely labeling me a pedophile.

Vindicator stands by the false accusation and maintains the ban. He wouldn't do this unless he was being very, very dishonest as we all know Crensch admitted he had no evidence to back up his claims as he admitted it live on the Poalcast.

This is why everyone should avoid the communities he and his friends maintain and find other places to post.

It is also interesting to note that when they asked for a summary of PIzzagate, mine was the most upvoted, bu they chose to post @MillenialFalcon's, instead, then modded him. The main difference is that I insisted on exploring the Uranium One money trail that proves the Podestas were taking money straight from Putin. This subject is considered "off topic" at /v/Pizzagate and it is why I never trusted the community, in the first place. /v/Pizzagate excludes the smoking gun evidence that destroys the media narrative.

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[–] [deleted] 3 pts 5y

Its interesting because I got a lot of pushback as well for discussing a mormon who was currently indicted for child trafficking during his role as a state agent in Arizona and his ties to federal agencies.

These religious organizations have huge, huge PR shill teams because they know bad optics can be very costly.

I believe both Crensch and Vindicator may be paid.

[–] 4 pts 5y

I'm wondering if that arrest was tied to the Micronesia prosecutor being shot.

[–] [deleted] 3 pts 5y

Interesting I'll have to look into it, but you could be onto something. I believe it was foreign born children he was trafficking.

Mormon shills came on and attempted to downplay it

[–] 0 pt 5y

of course they are paid dude so is srayzie n gabara

[–] 2 pts 5y

Wait... is Matt paid to be a pedo, though?

[–] 4 pts 5y

Apparently, Voat.co is no longer as

Have your say

as they pretend it to be.

[–] [deleted] 3 pts 5y

There's a team dedicated to target individuals there called "Soapboxbanhammer"

They have deep ties to pedophilia and have a record for censorship.

Many are "builders" and cozy with the owner.

I've documented this as /s/CumBoxSockHammer

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 5y

Yes that's the clique of addicts, of whom some are now here.

[–] 1 pt 5y

It's a little more than apparent.

[–] 0 pt 5y

It's a little more than apparent.

Indeed it is.

[–] 1 pt 5y

shoot putt in call of duty

[–] 3 pts 5y

hang the pope from a rope

nuke utah

[–] [deleted] 1 pt 5y

Only good cathos are mel gibson cathos, the rest are either very naive, clueless, if not outright dishonest. Expect also "all at the same time", some are gifted

[–] 1 pt 5y

tfw you say the same thing for three years and no one notices...

Don't get me wrong, you guys are all keeping it going and doing an awesome job.
But... this is sort of the whole reason I made the account on Voat in the first place. If not for Crensch and Vindicator being gigantic faggots, I never would've been here and I would've just been a typical shitposting fiend on chans+ still. Isn't it weird how Crensch has been appointed to an owner of many subs that were the emphasis of popular waves from Reddit? It's at least two and only brainlets have to think coincidences are even a thing at this point.

Also, fucking with that jesuit faggot AlterSeeker is one of my favorite pastimes.

The other two are probably just nightlights but I still sort of think the faggot with the bunny fetish is just an unkowning autist.
At the very least, what the fuck is this same dude doing constantly getting moderation status on such important sectors of research centers?

Oh, and, as a bonus since I guess we're all sort of loosely working together, kevdude works for Alphabet.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 5y

Can you support that claim?

[–] 0 pt 5y

Which one?
Does it really matter if I'm right or wrong? What does it change on your end?

[–] 1 pt 5y

Is Q a branch of that? I always confuse them.

[–] [deleted] 1 pt 5y

No, but they can be equally trump minded and blind at times

[–] 1 pt 5y

He can still be a piece of shit and the best president we've ever had...

Still, plenty of the bandwagon kiddies are universally annoying. There's no way around admitting that.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 5y

No, what hes done to betray my faith us unforgivable. I was a trump zealot once, but I dont like. Being lied to

[–] 1 pt 5y

Most people will probably tell you no, so I don't blame our friend here.

You can thank the weirdos at /pol/ for conjuring both beasts. After they spiraled out and affected Voat, they were no longer similar in nature.
I'm fully willing to opine that "pizzagate" was a test. It was a genuine primer. Without it and Shia's antics, we may not have been selected.

By the way, if you don't know the difference between the two, now is a great time to learn to tell the difference. I, uh, wouldn't wait too long...

[–] 0 pt 5y

I, uh, wouldn't wait too long...

Is something coming down the road?

[–] 1 pt 5y

One way or the other.

"Epstain" using the Area 51 exit probably diminished their reserve ammunition.
But, hey, I'm just some kid with a lantern standing in the middle of the fog.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 5y

I understood WOS was ousted because if you click his links, he has a way of identifying you. I blocked him as a precaution because I'm not prepared to take that risk, I don't want to accidentally click his links.