Dude we don't have banning culture here. However this CSS is killing me. I won't do anything against it but its very red.
About the CSS: Others on the last post have said that they like the CSS.
I might choose a darker tone of red.
But on the light theme, it is not there. Instead, the sidebar is dark teal.
The dark red background is supposed to create a distinctive atmosphere.
How would you prefer it?
Its very red. refer to my last reply if you would like to tell me I'm wrong.
Have you seen /s/theBanSub's CSS?
My name is red you racist!
Oh shit. I dun goofed.
I was talking about other communities.
Obviously not Poal.
The CSS is still very red. You are welcome to to tell me I'm wrong may I suggest /s/Boobsisafaggotsub
I will make a poll.
Let's find out what others think.
(post is archived)