The text above is not about Poal.co, but other communities, such as Reddit and Wikipedia.
Poal.co actually is an opposite example of it.
Poal.co actually is an opposite example of it.
Dude we don't have banning culture here. However this CSS is killing me. I won't do anything against it but its very red.
About the CSS: Others on the last post have said that they like the CSS.
I might choose a darker tone of red.
But on the light theme, it is not there. Instead, the sidebar is dark teal.
The dark red background is supposed to create a distinctive atmosphere.
How would you prefer it?
Its very red. refer to my last reply if you would like to tell me I'm wrong.
Have you seen /s/theBanSub's CSS?
I was talking about other communities.
Obviously not Poal.
The CSS is still very red. You are welcome to to tell me I'm wrong may I suggest /s/Boobsisafaggotsub
I will make a poll.
Let's find out what others think.
My name is red you racist!
Oh shit. I dun goofed.
(post is archived)