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Meant to say declare war but by the time I realized my mistake, it was too late. Oops...

The 1838 war lead to all the mormons in Missouri being expelled to Illinois. How extraordinarily based.

Meant to say declare war but by the time I realized my mistake, it was too late. Oops... The 1838 war lead to all the mormons in Missouri being expelled to Illinois. How extraordinarily based.
[–] 2 pts (edited )

That war also fucked up Joseph Smith's doctrine, REALLY bad. They meant to settle in Missouri and found a city called Zion, built to the plans that Joseph himself had drawn up. After losing the war, he had to retcon that Missouri wasn't the promised land, and they continued west, to an unsettled desert known as Utah. If you overlap Joseph's city plan to the layout of Salt Lake City, they match. Quacking funny, ain't it.