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I'm seriously not saying to or recommending doing something here. I'm just analyzing and brainstorming how one COULD fight a civil war successfully... in a minecraft villager village.

I still think there are plenty of more peaceful alternatives to something like this. It is still possible to create self policed communities, use crypto and/or move overseas etc..

What no police means

If you were to take out the police you would no longer have to choose between "Jews or Muslims" or such things. You would be able to do it all - end feminism and exile every sand/nose-nigger you wanted to.

The military and bomber planes etc. can only attack known targets and destroy them.

They cannot show up quickly, patrol the streets, collect taxes, look nice and civil, regulate companies, enforce feminism and most importantly investigate your attacks.

Their mere presence would provoke more civilians to join your rebellion.

How to deal with cops

Cops by necessity must operate alone or in small pairs. They cannot as a rule move in strength because their key role is the control of ALL of society.

They HAVE to split up and they HAVE to use limited hardware. It's not a question of genocidal will of Jew rulers - you still can't send a tank into a bank to check its records.

They must walk and live among the civilian population and all of this can be exploited. Here are some ideas:

  • Offer cops some way to surrender to your cause or openly show they will enforce your rule.
  • Killing off duty cops while they sleep/are unarmed/alone.
  • Forget guns; as a rule you don't want to be around. In fact various explosives are better.
  • Ambush small groups or pairs of cops with assault rifles in hit and run or with assassination tactics, thus forcing the cops to only move around in force.
  • Declare attacks to be in the name of enemy groups such as Islam, Jews or Antifa thus causing the enemy to potentially attack itself. (Eg. steal a slogan like "defund the cops"/"ACAB"/"Allahu ackbar")
  • Lay low and act normal for extended periods of time after attacks.
  • Attack far from where you live, but usually in a SPECIFIC area far from where you live. This will falsely guide investigation THERE and help the enemy with turning on itself. (Eg. near a Mosque or Antifa clubhouse in another city)
  • If guns are used a sniper rifle could deny travel along straight road segments from a long distance away. This can also be used to prevent reinforcements during other attacks.
  • Explosives and roadside bombs triggered by chips, trip wires or timers would be impossible to deal with and can be made with available chemicals.
  • Spoof DNA tracing by collecting a lot of random hair from say a barber shop and sprinkle it at scenes that might be investigated.
  • Conscript unwilling NPCs into your army at gun point or with bomb necklaces and force them to do risky attack actions, thus bolstering your numbers quickly and lowering risk.
  • Lure cops to prepared kill zones with reports of thought crime or staged "domestic disturbances". Additional benefit here of exclusively targeting the bad cops enforcing unjust laws.
  • Families of NPCs can also be taken hostage for the purpose of conscription efforts. If done right a large army could be staged before anyone catches on. (Since NPCs are easily herded by nature and you wouldn't have to argue and convince people)
  • Purge enemy groups and traitorous NPCs while cops are pinned down by other attacks or waiting for reinforcements. For example a simple sniper shooting at a road could shut down reinforcements and easy movement for an hour or more (The cops would not know WHERE was safe). Imagine a Christchurch situation where you can relax and take your time, just casually driving from Mosque to Mosque and then still easily escape to do it all again.
  • Standard sabotage and bombing of infrastructure could be applied if cops try to hole up too much to force them out and about in society to stop the sabotage. Would also make NPCs unhappy and more likely to lash at authorities all leading to the enemy fighting itself etc..
  • Carrying concealed small firearms may be a good idea, not for normal battle, but just to avoid casual arrests and to assassinate unsuspecting street patrols.
  • Use vans and cars outfitted for sleep as operational bases and safe houses.
#Disclaimer I'm seriously not saying to or recommending doing something here. I'm just analyzing and brainstorming how one COULD fight a civil war successfully... in a minecraft villager village. I still think there are plenty of more peaceful alternatives to something like this. It is still possible to create self policed communities, use crypto and/or move overseas etc.. #What no police means If you were to take out the police you would no longer have to choose between "Jews or Muslims" or such things. You would be able to do it all - end feminism and exile every sand/nose-nigger you wanted to. The military and bomber planes etc. can only attack known targets and destroy them. They cannot show up quickly, patrol the streets, collect taxes, look nice and civil, regulate companies, enforce feminism and most importantly investigate your attacks. Their mere presence would provoke more civilians to join your rebellion. #How to deal with cops Cops by necessity must operate alone or in small pairs. They cannot as a rule move in strength because their key role is the control of ALL of society. They HAVE to split up and they HAVE to use limited hardware. It's not a question of genocidal will of Jew rulers - you still can't send a tank into a bank to check its records. They must walk and live among the civilian population and all of this can be exploited. Here are some ideas: * Offer cops some way to surrender to your cause or openly show they will enforce your rule. * Killing off duty cops while they sleep/are unarmed/alone. * Forget guns; as a rule you don't want to be around. In fact various explosives are better. * Ambush small groups or pairs of cops with assault rifles in hit and run or with assassination tactics, thus forcing the cops to only move around in force. * Declare attacks to be in the name of enemy groups such as Islam, Jews or Antifa thus causing the enemy to potentially attack itself. (Eg. steal a slogan like "defund the cops"/"ACAB"/"Allahu ackbar") * Lay low and act normal for extended periods of time after attacks. * Attack far from where you live, but usually in a SPECIFIC area far from where you live. This will falsely guide investigation THERE and help the enemy with turning on itself. (Eg. near a Mosque or Antifa clubhouse in another city) * If guns are used a sniper rifle could deny travel along straight road segments from a long distance away. This can also be used to prevent reinforcements during other attacks. * Explosives and roadside bombs triggered by chips, trip wires or timers would be impossible to deal with and can be made with available chemicals. * Spoof DNA tracing by collecting a lot of random hair from say a barber shop and sprinkle it at scenes that might be investigated. * Conscript unwilling NPCs into your army at gun point or with bomb necklaces and force them to do risky attack actions, thus bolstering your numbers quickly and lowering risk. * Lure cops to prepared kill zones with reports of thought crime or staged "domestic disturbances". Additional benefit here of exclusively targeting the bad cops enforcing unjust laws. * Families of NPCs can also be taken hostage for the purpose of conscription efforts. If done right a large army could be staged before anyone catches on. (Since NPCs are easily herded by nature and you wouldn't have to argue and convince people) * Purge enemy groups and traitorous NPCs while cops are pinned down by other attacks or waiting for reinforcements. For example a simple sniper shooting at a road could shut down reinforcements and easy movement for an hour or more (The cops would not know WHERE was safe). Imagine a Christchurch situation where you can relax and take your time, just casually driving from Mosque to Mosque and then still easily escape to do it all again. * Standard sabotage and bombing of infrastructure could be applied if cops try to hole up too much to force them out and about in society to stop the sabotage. Would also make NPCs unhappy and more likely to lash at authorities all leading to the enemy fighting itself etc.. * Carrying concealed small firearms may be a good idea, not for normal battle, but just to avoid casual arrests and to assassinate unsuspecting street patrols. * Use vans and cars outfitted for sleep as operational bases and safe houses.

(post is archived)

[–] 0 pt

Never going to happen.

I have had NPCs admit to my face that "Biden is a dictator, but hey at least he's not bad orange man".

And those are still the smart NPCs. Others have such short memories and limited knowledge and intelligence they wouldn't even be able to follow along with your average bitchute video even at 75% speed.

Your scenario is as likely as cows rising up against our farmers.

Random violence is possible, but it may as well hit us and other innocent bystanders as anything else.

[–] 0 pt

The NPC's are suffering from cognitive dissonance. They know deep down that a painful realization awaits their awakening so they are fighting it!

But at the point they have to suffer they start to question!

These NPC's go with the crowd and protect their social status at all costs. The mob turning to the real questions drags a lot of supporters behind it. They take the consensus view no matter what. A clash of programming is imminent.

Just watch how often the word "gaslighting comes up in news articles now. This knowledge has become mainstream already. It's over. We may be losing this battle but we have already won the war! ,!

[–] 0 pt (edited )

I have to agree with 7e6, that I don't think the NPCs have it in them to revolt against the system. IMHO that's wishful thinking.

Of course it's nice to think that problems are going to solve themselves, and everything is going to turn out fine. But it probably won't, because the NPCs are utterly depending upon the system, and already have been bred into a race of content slaves. It would be against their interest, self-preservation, as well as their bred nature to revolt. NPCs are people whose ancestors should have died during childhood due to their inherent weakness, but they were "saved" by civilization with it's blessings like "modern medicine", so that they can downgrade the human genepool with their existence. They can't survive on their own, and are utterly dependent upon the system, no matter if they search for gaslighting and similar terms. At best they're larping, and pretend that anyone cares about their opinion, but that isn't the case, and they'll simply fall in line and make up another cognitive dissonance when it becomes clear, that they indeed are slaves of the beast.

IMHO the best thing we can do is to strive to live a simple life, not pay taxes to not fed the monster, become self-reliant, and wait for the system to fall and the next dark age to begin. If you have what you need to survive, e.g. are used to the conditions and are self-reliant, you most likely won't be among those who starve to death or die of some disease that comes hand in hand with malnourishment. Instead you can just sit in front of your house, shoot the occasional looter/trespasser, and be content in the happy knowledge, that loving mother nature is back in charge, and from now on things will only become better.

[–] 0 pt

a painful realization awaits their awakening so they are fighting it!

that's what a traitor does!!!!!

[–] 0 pt

A useful idiot is far from a traitor!