I had a wall of text. I had to delete it because I don’t want to get ruby ridged.
Ya, not such a bad thing for those remaining to be fat, godless, gay and willing to inject anything experimental for a paycheque.
I’ll leave it at that.
I had a wall of text. I had to delete it because I don’t want to get ruby ridged.
Ya, not such a bad thing for those remaining to be fat, godless, gay and willing to inject anything experimental for a paycheque.
I’ll leave it at that.
Yes, there are too many fat fucks in the US military and on US streets. That being said, BMI is antiquated, imprecise and does not tell the true tale of the tape as it has no provisions for factoring in an athletic physique. It is a prime example of how Standard Of Care lags faaaar behind reality. Physicians are bound by SOC.
"It’s important to note that the AMA hasn’t called for doctors to step back from BMI."
To be fair. BMI works fairly well for fat fucks that are not athletic. To people that work out.. Not so much.
It is far enough apart that for the majority BMI is useful.
My god.. We are sooo soooo fucked
Who's we?
We need to lose a war undisputably or collapse as a nation to fix it.
(post is archived)