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[–] 7 pts

There are a lot of military-trained individuals who have been forced into seeing what the government really thinks of enlisted members (them), of non-enlisted (the families of the enlisted and everyday citizens), of our borders, of the US constitution and of freedom.

A lot of them are surely very disillusioned, angry and confused as they've had their life goals and actual lives destroyed. They very likely feel like they've just wasted years and even decades of their life working toward and fighting for something that does not exist.

Many have certainly become awakened to at least some of the reality of the government and of the world, and particularly how the government views Whites in particular (which most of those formerly-enlisted are).

I expect some of them may be seeking out more information to help them understand what happened to the government and country they swore to defend. Some of them may find (or have already found) their way to poal or to other sites that still provide some sense of freedom of speech while they search for information to help them to understand.

If any formerly-enlisted are reading this, asking questions is both allowed and encouraged on poal. While there is a very short answer to most of your questions, and most questions have the same short answer, long and detailed answers can also be provided if you appear to genuinely want/need to know what happened to the country and the world, both in recent times and the distant past.

[–] 2 pts


The answer is always jews.

[–] 2 pts

Hence the:

While there is a very short answer to most of your questions, and most questions have the same short answer


[–] 2 pts

Lol. I read it all. It's very well thought out and eloquently stated..........

But I wanted to be that guy for a second.

[–] 3 pts

I’ve posted this comment before, but adding it here again:

That ‘s a bullshit number for a myriad of reasons.

Anyone refusing a vax and had over 2 years in the service had their records scrubbed. If they could find another reason to kick you out, they just used that reason instead. Anything from medical to discipline issues. By my witness, about 20% were kicked out for “other reasons”.

Officers don’t have contracts the same way enlisted do. Some do have initial obligations because of free college or whatever but after that, they can resign anytime they want to. I watched way more officers resign than enlisted get booted.

Most enlisted are on four year or less contracts. We had about a year to take the vax while waiting on the system to get booted out. About 25% just let their obligation expire while in the process of getting booted out.

So, that official number should be waaay more than doubled.

A little off topic, but, MANY also either faked the vaccination card, or some random chad in medical bulk pencil whipped random people's records. I've seen both of these instances as well. Many of these people also wound up leaving in the years since illegal mandate.

[–] 2 pts

shitpost comment "you don't say" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lCNPNs1pKoQ

[–] 1 pt

That's 7957 military trained enemies jews have created. Nice.

[–] 1 pt

Give them all back pay and the promotions they missed. That would help, but the military has been cucked and is just not the same anymore.

[–] 1 pt

I won't fight In any army with women or trannies in it. Simply undependable and too emotionally, physically, mentally weak and unstable.