What in the nigger!?
The Pentagon is transporting tens of tons of controlled drugs to U.S. military bases around the world, documents obtained from the U.S. Federal Contract Registry show. The United States Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM) has signed contracts with fourteen American airlines to transport military cargo, including sensitive cargo (drugs) to various locations around the world. Delivery times show a planned total of 47.5 tons of controlled drugs (2018-2023) to U.S. military bases abroad.
The forecast amount is only for Romania, 10 tons of controlled drugs, Kosovo-up to 5 tons, Estonia-2 tons, and the forecast stocks of controlled drugs for other destinations in a much smaller amount – 898 kg base (in the quantities indicated in the document, were measured in the American unit of measurement kg, 1 kg is 0.453592 kg).
Kosovo – 11,117 lbs (2018-2023) or 5,042 kg
Romania – 21,607 lbs (2018-2023) or 9,800 kg
Malatia – 2803 lbs (2018-2023) or 1271 kg
Erbil – 1,457 pounds (2018-2023) or 660 kg
Estonia – 4,516 lbs (2018-2023) or 2,048 kg
Total amount of controlled drugs to be delivered, 47,560 kg (2018-2023)
The US military is the largest user of controlled drugs in the world
The U.S. Department of Defense has awarded a contract to supply amphetamines for $ 23 million (2020-2025), shows another federal order, Poblikuvana in the U.S. Federal Contract Registry.
According to the order notice, the annual consumption from the Department of Defense alone is 15.6 million amphetamine tablets.
Amphetamine is a widely used drug in the US Army
According to US combat veterans, amphetamine (Adderall and its generic version Dextroaphetamine/Amphetamine) is prescribed regularly to soldiers to increase their effectiveness, although amphetamine use is prohibited in the US Army. Despite this, the drug is prescribed en masse to treat soldiers with attention deficit disorder (ADD) and narcolepsy. The prescribed amounts range from 5 to 30 mg and the dose increases over time, starting from 5 mg to 30 mg twice daily. For a soldier in a combat role, the permitted dose is 10 mg of amphetamine, told before Objectively.BG is an American veteran of the war in Afghanistan who is prescribed Adderall.
6145 adverse event reports related to Adderall and Adderall XR have been registered in the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's (FAER) Adverse Event Reporting System since 1994. until March 31, 2020. Of these, 3251 were serious and 202 deaths were included.
Drug addiction and over-prescription is a serious problem in the US military.
Lack of control
A recently published audit by the Department of Defense's Inspector General, found that there is a lack of oversight governing opiates in the U.S. Military. The revision specifies:
"By examining patient profile data, we identified examples of beneficiaries at three military health facilities that reviewed who may have been prescribed too many opiates than in 2015. In 2017, for example, the recipient received an average of 450 MME per day (morphine) for 16 months, which is five times more than the recommended maximum dose of 90 MME that patients with chronic pain should avoid.“
Another option is in 2020. The Pentagon's Inspector General-the Office of Pharmaceutical Products Audit to support the U.S. Central Command's area of responsibility-has revealed that the Department of Defense does not control how controlled drugs are stored and used. The inspectors visited eight medical facilities, four medical logistics complexes, the US Army Medical Materials Center-Southwest Asia (USAMMC-NEA), and three USAMMC-NEA forward logistics centers located in Qatar, Kuwait, and Afghanistan.
According to the audit, as a result of deficiencies in reporting, and protection identified in the medical facilities, medical and logistics complex, USAMMC-NEA warehouse, and logictich centers of USAMMC-NEA, controlled drugs in these locations are a potential object of loss, theft, and illicit use.
(post is archived)