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[–] [deleted] 2 pts

Did they all miss a few maintenance cycles due to mandatory divershity training for the crews?

[–] 0 pt

My first thought exactly. Now extend that thought to include who's being hired to maintain the basic utilities and infrastructure in your own town right now.

Are they White (and therefore expected to actually be competent in order to keep their job)? Or are they a collection of "diversity hires"?

Or is it a transitional situation, where the one old White guy who actually knows how everything actually works and keeps everything running is just barely keeping the wheels on, holding on by his fingertips, just counting the days until retirement, when he can bail, leaving it to the "diversity hires" to start fucking everything up when it'll no longer be his problem anymore?

Looking forward to being the old guy that still remembers what all those switches and knobs in the houses were for. And can tell the kids the stories about the magical days of old, when you could have light at night without building a fire, just by flipping a switch, or clean water that you could drink, right from the tap, with just a twist of the wrist.

Think I'm exaggerating? Look around you. It's already happening.

(Did you know that Romans had already made bronze water faucets? We tend to think of those as a relatively modern convenience, but at some point, they got lost and had to be reinvented. What are our descendants going to have reinvent? How far back down the scale will we slide?)

Diverse Army workers in action! Can't hold a race that never invented the wheel to the same standards as the people who designed these helicopters.

[–] 0 pt

sugar in the gas tanks?

[–] 1 pt

Sugar would probably just plug the fuel filter.

I'd guess Chinesium metal parts or seals - but I don't know any more about it than what is in this article.