The Stalinesque political purge of the military ranks continues unabated. This began under Obama, paused with Trumpstein and has now again gone full throttle. By hook, crook, dirty pool and outright criminality the non compliant and patriotic types shall be exiled and excommunicated from the warrior class in order to expedite the demise of what's left of this nation.
Maybe it is time to learn about delusional disorders, because that is what you will be diagnosed with by vaxtards with letters after their names. It is psychosis. He is institutionalized and will lose legal rights because of that history. This predictive post is aging well. (
Instead, the division contacted the captain’s commanders, picked him up from CID and escorted him back to his brigade. Upon his return to his unit, the captain was immediately informed by his deputy commanding officer that he was being sent for emergency evaluation with the base’s behavioral health center. Brighteon.TV Supposedly, the emergency evaluation had to be conducted to ensure the captain “wasn’t a danger to himself or others.” The army doctor that evaluated the captain claimed that due to this incident and a prior traumatic brain injury that the captain endured during his service, she believed the captain was having a “health crisis” and had to be admitted to the hospital for monitoring and treatment.
I thought that the FDA approved pfizer vax was not available in the US, but the one they were giving and saying was different than the fully FDA approved vax? Was this just bullshit or was this the case? I recall back in 2021 telling my then manager who was anti vax and in the Army Reserves to look into it (he was also being pressured by the hospital we worked at the time too).
Maj. Gen. Patrick J. Donahoe
I've seen this face type before in other pieces of shit. Not an ((its the tribe)) comment, genuinely want to know, whats the ethnicity here?
(post is archived)