FTN Fulton (Amtrak station code; Fulton, KY)
FTN Face the Nation (CBS News)
FTN Free the Nipple
FTN FedEx Trade Networks (shipping)
FTN Firme Transnationale (French: Transnational Firm)
FTN Frequent Transit Network (Canada)
FTN Faculty of Technical Sciences (Novi Sad, Serbia)
FTN Former Trainees Network (Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari; Italy)
FTN Foreign-Trained Nurse
FTN France Télé Numérique (French: France Digital TV)
FTN Female to Nonbinary (gender)
FTN Franja Transversal del Norte (Guatemala region)
FTN Fixed Telecoms Network (UK)
FTN Fido Technology Networks
FTN FeedThe.Net (website)
FTN Family Television Network
FTN Fakultet Tehnickih Nauka (Serbian: Faculty of Technical Sciences; Yugoslavia)
FTN Fujitsu Telecom Networks (est. 1935; Japan)
FTN Finger-To-Nose (physical exam neurological test)
FTN Fun Time Navy
FTN Fiber Transmission Network
FTN Force Tracking Number
FTN Fresenius Travel Nurses (Fresenius Medical Care; various locations)
FTN Free the Nukes
FTN Freak Ted Nugent (polite form of song by Goldfinger)
FTN Future Tactical Network
FTN Forget the Navy (polite form)
(post is archived)