We gave away a lot with the START treaties with the (then) Soviets. Our Minuteman were Multiple Re-entry Vehicle (MIRV) missiles with a max of three warheads. START dropped that to single warheads. We also gave away our newest ICBM, the Peacekeeper (popularly known in those days as the MX), which was a ten warhead MIRV system. Not only did we give those up, we destroyed the launchers so the could never again be used. We also gave up the nuclear armed Ground Launched Cruise Missile (GLCM). That's the AF losses ... I can't speak for the Navy's sub weapons, but we gave up way too much for little to no gain.
We'll be okay as far as the personnel, I think. Though I do agree that may be a problem in the future. And you're correct, newer, more advanced delivery systems may supersede all. We can only hope. This is just an area of interest to me, as I'm retired from a long career in Minuteman/Peacekeeper ICBMs, both with the AF and associated contractors. So I'm all for quick modernization, especially if we can get the ball rolling where it's beyond the ability of the DNC to shackle it if they ever retake control. That's where the real problem lies with me ... their modern day priorities don't align with the real things that have kept our country free and strong for so long.
(post is archived)