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[–] [deleted] 0 pt 3y

This is a great tactic. Do not argue with them. Make fun of them. They cannot stand when you make fun of their hypocrisy.

[–] 0 pt 3y

The best part about cancel culture is watching them cancel their own propaganda. Media moguls put this stuff on the air for a reason, mostly because it fit the message they were trying to send at the time. Sure, the younger folks don't care, but older people still look back fondly on their favorite shows, never even thinking about how they were what brought us to this mess. Now cancel culture is telling them their "harmless fun" is actually racist, diluting the term and losing allies. It's as though the LGBTxyz crowd protested Cuties because it's not inclusive to dragonkin, bug chasers and bronies. Eventually all moderate leftists will be driven out. Accelerate!