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I've had pleasant dreams of going to Canada 3 nights in a row. Stop trying to get my hopes up only to have them shattered.

I've had pleasant dreams of going to Canada 3 nights in a row. Stop trying to get my hopes up only to have them shattered.

(post is archived)

[–] 2 pts

Trudeau is sending you subconscious homoerotic messages through YouTube while you sleep to nature sounds

[–] [deleted] 0 pt (edited )

Try actually going somewhere you want to be, to do something you actually want to do. Dreaming about canada sounds fruitless.

Ive been lots of places. The nightmare stays the same however.

Try Ireland, theyre big on family. You never know. Your wildest dreams might come true !....or you'll be too scared to walk down the street.

Make a plan, then go for it!

[–] 1 pt

Dreaming about canada sounds fruitless.

They have the biggest fruit of them all, Trudeau.

[–] [deleted] 1 pt (edited )

They're all power-trip faggots. Even the maple leaf is gay.

I went to Canada from UK last year to do a bit of travelling, got deported at border security by an Indian CBP officer because in his words "I might be an illegal immigrant." Cost me about a grand to find out Canada can literally go fuck itself to death.

White male single dad Brit with a teenager at home tries to go on holiday, gets deported by an indian who says he's worried I'm going to run off into Canada to live there illegally because I only bought a 1 way ticket!!!! Planning to travel by train or bus into America after flying to Canada is an alien concept apparently Fucking colonel mustard got me good! My evil plan was foiled!!

Coudnt fucking write this shit. Too funny.

[–] 1 pt

There was a show on TV (might be in reruns now) called something like "Border Patrol" or "Border Security" which followed around Border agents on the US/Canada Border and various international airports where people land into North America.

Both countries had pretty much the same rules (don't bring in raw meat, fruits/vegetables, live animals or seeds, declare all cash over $10,000, have receipts for new purchases that ypu are brining in, declare booze and cigarettes, pay duty etc). The Canadians are extra hard on guns. This show also had versions for other countries, Australia is another one that I have seen.

Anyhow, I can tell you that your story is going to be suspicious in any country that you tried to just show up in, and you would be raising red flags with it. US/Canada are big countries, one does not just casually travel across the continent without having plans made already, including being able to tell the Border guards when you are leaving by proof of your return ticket, otherwise you sound exactly like someone trying to get in and work there illegally. They hear that story a hundred times a day, and you sound exactly like the people they find saying they are just going to travel, then find out they have a job offer to go work under the table somewhere.

Beyond all of the Border issues, traveling without plans isn't a wise thing to do. I used to drive across the continent (Alaska to Florida) back in the '90s before there was everything online. It is very typical to come into a town thinking you're going to get a room somewhere, only to find out there is some sporting tournament nearby(either professional, college or High Schook) and all of the rooms in that town, and the three nearest towns, are booked solid. So you end up having to pull over in some rest stop to sleep in your car for a few hours, then continue on, tired. Nobody wants a tired person on the road, so if you're telling anyone that your just going to travel and sight see by yourself, with no plans, this is what they imagine is going to happen, because it happens every day.

I'm not trying to lecture you, just give you some pointers to help you get across borders in the future. Have your travel plans ready, prove when you are leaving and you'll have a lot easier time getting into any country, especially ones where you don't need a visa to enter.