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Things are a little different here than they are (were) on Voat, but you'll get used to things pretty quickly.
You might want to check out the Welcome page, the Terms of Service, and/or the handy User Guide.

The biggest difference is that @AOU and @PMYB2 are both very active here so things run smoothly.

Things are a little different here than they are (were) on Voat, but you'll get used to things pretty quickly. You might want to check out the [Welcome](https://poal.co/welcome) page, the [Terms of Service](https://poal.co/tos), and/or the handy [User Guide.](https://poal.co/userguide) The biggest difference is that @AOU and @PMYB2 are both very active here so things run smoothly.

(post is archived)

[–] [deleted] 28 pts

We like scientific terms like negroid and globalist

[–] 9 pts

Excellent. Now who would like to engage in some whitesupremacist terrorist activities?

[–] 10 pts

No terrorism, but we sell whites-only land: /s/Helicoptarian

[–] 8 pts

Users agree not to post calls to violence (this is not protected speech under the 1st Amendment) or specific threats of violence. (ie, I am going to this persons house at this time to kill them with this weapon)


[–] 5 pts

Do you not understand a joke? Look at my user name then kill yourself for being a faggot.

[–] 3 pts

But we can still talk about griefing their Minecraft servers?

[–] 2 pts

But we can something non-specific, like “gas all the Jews”, right?

[–] 0 pt

You would be crazy to announce it in advance. Just do it and let them figure it out.🤣

[+] [deleted] 0 pt
[–] 3 pts

That sounds fun! Do you by chance have bomb making materials?

Edit. Shit I mean bong

[–] 1 pt

No, but if you do please pm me your personal information so that i can get you signed up for the revolution.

[–] 1 pt

Your name hahahahaha my sides

You're not going to last long here

[+] [deleted] 0 pt
[–] -1 pt (edited )

I would like to submit a constructive reply as to why I am down voating your comment. It as a negative comment. You’ve already judged u/rccollier. I am offended by bullying attitude. You may forget, but Pepperidge Farm remembers. Those assholes never forget anything.

/edit. corrected the judged user name

[–] 4 pts

First comment I've ever saved.

[–] 0 pt

Or felon and traitor

[–] 0 pt

Not every globalist is a jew, and I know a couple jews, they don't seem globalist.