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Things are a little different here than they are (were) on Voat, but you'll get used to things pretty quickly.
You might want to check out the Welcome page, the Terms of Service, and/or the handy User Guide.

The biggest difference is that @AOU and @PMYB2 are both very active here so things run smoothly.

Things are a little different here than they are (were) on Voat, but you'll get used to things pretty quickly. You might want to check out the [Welcome](https://poal.co/welcome) page, the [Terms of Service](https://poal.co/tos), and/or the handy [User Guide.](https://poal.co/userguide) The biggest difference is that @AOU and @PMYB2 are both very active here so things run smoothly.

(post is archived)

[–] [deleted] 5 pts

Maybe there won't be any Qtards.

[–] 7 pts

QTARDS never die. They just get dumber.

[–] 0 pt

Nice jew tactics.. jdif playback bolshivik commie play book.

Smear. Personal attack. Muddy the waters. Confuse the subject. And on and on..

You are against Qanon who wants to stop child trafficking end corruption get Trump back in office and ask you to just do your own research! Man really evil Qtards so evil....

Fuck you rabbi

I like how you insinuate he's a shill for disagreeing with you, while using a strawman and an ad hominem in your own post. Peak irony.

[–] 0 pt

You are a goddamned fool that is a fanboy of a larper. The truth is the truth and movements and people come and go while they lie through their jewish teeth. The Q movement drapes itself in the american flag as a patriot, boldly proclaims it wants to protect our children and then it commands you to....open your throat to the jews butcher knife.

You stupid bastard. Q is a jew.

[–] [deleted] 7 pts

Nope. :) We're here.

[–] 1 pt

We sure are - so what's the problem with Qtards? Are we welcome here or not?

Well, I am welcoming myself, I don't downvote, so, I feel I cut the mustard!

No, you're retarded fuck off to Reddit. Hillary was not arrested.

You're retarded for following a LARP, even after everything that didn't come true.

[–] 0 pt

Do you know what the 'tard' in Qtard means?

Do you still believe that garbage? What will change your mind?

[–] 2 pts

We are definitely here.

[–] 0 pt

hahaha You might be here but in 2021 you clearly are retarded for following that load of shit

[–] 0 pt

I think they're being herded to some great awakening site.