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Even the preview site is dead.

Even the preview site is dead.

(post is archived)

[–] [deleted] 3 pts (edited )

I figured this to be true on the site myself for the most part. I don't get that vibe (white type site) here myself and haven't done so in the past for the most part - Only somewhat that it's white. It's more or so an extreme free speech type of site to me personally. Which would auto to full blown NATSOC 1488 Adolf Hitler full aryan race type of site to a leftist or leftist type.

It's mostly the jews (synagogue of satan) if not black / hispanic gangbangers in america alone that many of us don't like ourselves in the current time frame. I can't speak for anyone, but just what I've seen.

I shouldn't have to say extreme free speech, but due to the time we are in it's more or so that way. Should just be able to state it's free speech.

[–] 3 pts

I've never hidden it. I have no problem with people who want to do the NATSOC thing. Its part of free speech. Now that said, if your only goal is to wreck the place that is not free speech. If you are using free speech to try and destroy free speech then that is not really free speech is it?

Its a line that I've had to learn to walk this past almost 2 years now, and I welcome people to call me out when they think I am wrong. I'm not going to be right all the time.

I honestly don't think my heritage has anything to do with what I've done here though. I'd love to hear an explanation of how I'm wrong on that one though I think that would be super interesting.

[–] [deleted] 1 pt (edited )

Just saying I don't get that vibe here myself that it's a white site more or so here. If you've been on real white type sites you'd know instantly what I mean by that (not sure if you have). I don't get that here for the most part. Just people voicing their opinions and such.

That is true with heritage though as well I'm 100% white and people think I'm a Nazi at times since I'm very Christian / Catholic at times and call the jews the synagogue of satan alone at times myself. I don't subscribe to Nazism myself, but I don't really mind them myself at all really since we agree on many things like filth or degeneracy alone within society.

It's true what you said, but I don't get that vibe here myself that it's a white site for the most part.

[–] 3 pts

I'm reasonably sure that I've been called a Nazi as much as you have. I'm also a christian I get shit for that too. I'm not sure what you mean by "real white type sites" Do you mean sites that have people doing the whole purity spiral thing? I've seen it and I don't really see the point. You can find flaws in anyone and their point of view. So just dismissing everyone because they are not as good as you are seems counter productive to me.

That all said, it isn't a white site, its a free speech site. You can make your argument and it'll stand on its merit not on anything else.