muslim are liars, when need arise, it is morally good
Qran say, kill all infidels
so.... ok, he is against jew, now
tomorrow, he will be agains t Christians
muslim are liars, when need arise, it is morally good
Qran say, kill all infidels
so.... ok, he is against jew, now
tomorrow, he will be agains t Christians
Many of them enjoy capitalism, aren't for the radical bullshit and know exactly what jews have been doing for thousands of years. At this point Whites need allies with similar values. I talked to an east Indian taxi driver (Ride from ER) and he hates Liberals, hates electric cars and is pissed right off about migrants getting free rides. An enjoyable conversation and he spoke good English.
I'm pretty sure (now, not in 2001) the jew media amplifies any Muslim to White hatred, especially in the decade+ leading up 9/11.
(post is archived)