Prenups saved me several times. Money isn't everything but it sure beats sleeping on the streets.
Several times? My brother in Christ, what kind of women are you seeking out?
1st was a committed catholic virgin before marriage whom I had 3 kids with. Pre nup becuase of a situation to protect from an outside force. She left to be with a guy that literally had nothing going for him after a decade of our marriage. We had lots of money, lots of time and vacations, I never forgot a bday, anniversary, and argued maybe 3 times during the entire 14 year run from dating to divorce. Kids were happy. She even admitted many many times while trying to get back together with me that I was pretty much the perfect husband, she had no fucking idea what was going on in her head.
After that, it doesn't matter. I'm still me - Bitches be a changin' on a whim, roll the dice, have a prenup.
I trust you. It's crazy how women will through away a perfectly good marriage just because they want some new dick hijinks. Repeal the 19th and always have a pre-nup.