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[–] 3 pts

I'll never blame anyone, especially a young man, for being sad and alone.

Not when this fine young man is such a successful prototype for the modern masculinity; I don't think this human chose to be this way.

No, I would bet anything this kid was molded from the moment he was born by forces well beyond his comprehension.

Given that is it his first time drinking, and his choice of pizza and beverages, he probably just turned 21 somewhere in America.

Given that he is 21, and renting a hotel room, I would guess that he still lives with his parents, but his parents wanted to know what he was going to do with his big birthday.

His Boomer parents probably expected him to go out and have a night on the town with all of his young friends.

But his Boomer parents probably forgot that he spent the years of 2020-2022, when he was 17-19, missing his senior year of High School, and spending his Freshman year of college remotely learning.

A few of the most crucial years, when it comes to making friends in American society.

A couple of years that were stolen from him.

His boomer parents probably thought those years didn't matter to anyone. It was just a couple of years for everyone's safety.

If you didn't want society locked-down, you were just greedy.

So my guess is that, this kid, his parent's probably asked him what he was going to do for his 21st birthday. And he meekly said

I'm going out with friends

And not wanting to disappoint his parents, he rented a hotel room, got some booze, and plans to drink it all.

And tomorrow he will go back to his parents house, hung-over, so they will be proud of him.

Thinking he got into a wild night, with friends that do not exist.

[–] 1 pt


[–] 1 pt



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